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Before the man could speak a word I used the barrel of my gun and knocked him out by hitting at the right spot on his neck . His body falls with a thud and that immediately aware others and they stop their Minnie party to get their guns ready but before that we shoot them off as we starting entering the house with our gun placed with silencer . I motioned everyone to keep the sounds to as low as possible so rest won't be aware .

"I have hacked at all camera except for the one in that room so go take care of the security room first" I ask two of my men to follow Lucius orders and they immediately move from the right end corner .

Rest of us start to ascend up we don't know which room Krishna is in of course she is our priority but we are not going to let other girls in here suffer . They're important to someone else as well so we would try our best to make them go back to their homes safely .

Using the walls of the stairs we try to hide our selves from the men standing just beside the door . They're all up and with guns ready but I see their posture is a bit lousy I guess they just don't expect anyone to come this far and that makes me think they have something up their sleeves just don't know what and then it clicked .

"Mark , check the area for any explosives"

"Explosives ?"

"They can't be this laid back without a backup in hand , there's an exit in kitchen I'm sure plus a back door but entering the house was way too easy they must have another option and my guesses are on explosive so check"

"On it Cap"

"On the count of three , six of you will handle here and rest will go up with me to other rooms and the attic" I started to count after they agreed .

"One , tw-"

"Who are you?" I feel the familiarity of the guns coldness on my temple and see a men glaring down on me .

How come everyone of them are bloody huge ?

"Brock !!! There's a breach" he shouts and the mistake he did was turning his neck back and people you should never turn back on your enemy .

Using his busy stance I hit his elbow and his gun fells down from his hand and I knee him pushing his body down and before he could move I pulled a bullet through him .

"Move" I shout and immediately there's noise of shots I could hear .

Whoever this guy shouted out for must've activated the alarm cause along with guns a loud screeching sound resonates the hallways but we already have an upper hand .

"Remember try not don't kill the ones in charge , Lucius must have some scores to settle"

I hear Lu chuckle and I know he trusts me and he knows I'll get his life safe out of here .

I was supposed to be on second floor but I heard some voices from the attic and made my way up leaving it to my boys to take care of things here .

"I need to take her with me I'm anyways dead if anything happens to her"

"I'll get her out leave with NOW"

Who are they talking about ? Who can be more important than saving your own life ?

"Stop right there !" I held my gun up by the looks both of them looked important here and killing them will just kill my intel and my leverage possibly so I need them alive .

"Cap , the alarm activated a self demolishing system the whole building will collapse within 8minutes" I hear Mark say as calmly as possible .

"Everyone heard that , kill whoever you need to get the girls and yourself to safety . Mark help them" and kept my eyes trained to both of the men and women .

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