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The wind gushes past me as I make my way through the heaps of metals which were honking but I had a bigger mission in mind .

My speed gave me the leverage I needed and kept going ahead with a deadly speed my motorbike allowed me to ,"Keep to your left and then after three cars it's right . I'll change the signal to green once you reach there"

I made it to the junction and soon I hear the familiar sound of siren behind me and at the right moment the light changed and the ambulance made its way ahead . I couldn't miss the gratitude the old lady had when she mouthed thank you to me .

The system needs a bit of polishing the poor man was about to loose his life cause of this traffic .

"I'll wait at base" I tune off Lucius as he kept mumbling god knows what and made my way from the inner streets .

This gives me peace . The wind rustling on my face feels like freedom to me . The top speed I manage to go on makes me feel like I have control over everything.

The base is secured in middle of forest away from the city , just peaceful enough for us .

The first word I heard as I made my first step inside was .

"We need to go to Seattle" Lucius mumbles from upstairs through my earpiece .

I see Mark watching frozen with a huge heap of popcorn scattered around the room but he stops midway as he heard it too .



The word stopped my thinking process for a minute. That girl invited trouble yet again . I knew she was trouble when she managed to hack into one of my deck for money.

"I know , I know you don't want to but I need you there" he descend down the stairs saying each syllable but all I could feel was the pounding happening within me . My mind went numb , I could feel goosebumps all over and suddenly it was hard to breathe . I could feel the sweat forming on but all I could hear was a faint voice calling out my name .

"If you think it's too much I can take the guys and go with him but you know we can rule Seattle sitting here . We need to be there our men's are loosing their confidence in you . They think you don't have their back . It's getting harder and harder for them to keep our name alive and other people are talking about this nameless leader of them . They will sooner or later plan and eradicate us from there" Marks says pausing his favourite movie for the sake of this conversation.

All I could see was Lucius face . The dread which was written all over it . He is really sacred and my friend needs me more than my stupid promise for sanity I made .

Ruling Seattle or thinking about my stuff is not the priority right now , Lucius is .

He is really in love with this girl he has met on dark web . She's in college but uses her skills to protect people around her . She is smart like him .

"What happened to her ?"

His eyes met mine and I see a flash of relief .

"I can't get through her"
"Oh she might not want to talk to you ? Oh did you hurt her Lucy !"

Read the room Mark for once . I sense the coming headache and his words are just adding to it .

"I hacked her college and her apartment lobby cameras she left for college but never made it through . Just now I got through one of the store camera and I'm the rear you can see her being dragged in a vehicle from a lone alley" this is so not good .

Another reason for not going Seattle is they transport women and girls as small as 2 years for the sake of their virginity . People in white and black collar both have desires once they take of their suits and for that ugly thoughts they need puppets and Seattle is the main market for it for worldwide .

Now I understand his impatient attitude.

"Did you trace the vehicle ?"

"Dead end , the vehicle is parked somewhere on highway but no cameras in vicinity and the guy who was last seen wasn't the one in the first video but the car was brought by one of Delano's men"

Delano , the snake who will not think twice to kill his own kin . He just loves money and he doesn't cares where that money comes from . He is very deep down the dirt . He has reserved the special place in hell for himself . Our work is dirty by no means I try to defend what I do , we're not clean by any mean but still I take proud in never trafficking humans for money be it for their sex drive or their body parts for money . That of course doesn't makes us Good but a little less bad .

It's been 7 years since I stepped foot in Seattle , I started from there but I ended up pulling strings from here . I just wanted a world where people like me could also survive . We don't kill for fun or for stupidest mistake like slipping wine they do . The power they hold makes them think they're above then a persons life and that has always irked me . Delano and me have always had bad blood .

"Pack up then , guess we're leaving right now" I walk away to my room saying so , hearing Mark call up our men there for the all arrangements to be made for our arrival . I could see the concern in Lucius eyes from the corner but all I could feel was the pound in my chest .

My world is going to collapse, I just know it but one day or another I have to meet my demons .

I ring up the familiar number and within minutes she arrives .

As soon as I hear the shut of door I push her to the walls and pound on her as if  it will help me keep my sanity .

I think it's true when a woman is broken she knows whom to love but not how to and when a men is broken he knows how to love but not whom to love .

"I was packi-" her words are cut off with when I throw her over on my bed .

Thank you


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