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                 "Mark , is the other car ready for tail?" I speak as we park in yet another dark alley just few blocks away from the car which held Gaia right now .

They keep changing the car after every hour or so and we have been changing our guise every often as well .

Right now Mark and others are going to tail them from here on .

I'm sure they'll keep an eye on if a same car has been following so it's better to keep changing the men's and the car altogether . It's been all night and I'm sure everyone must've learnt about Delano . Jean killed him . Cold blooded on his own birthday in his own territory . The guy scanning the area have kept us updated on all the great gentlemen who has been visiting the area . Killing Delano is huge and it hasn't already happened before was because I wasn't here , my men are more than enough to clear half of the city but they need someone to guide them and protect them if things go wrong . Command is needed before anything goes out .

"Mark keep us updated on what route you go we will inform the guys from that area to keep next car ready" I say as I see Mark rolling up a bit ahead of the car with Gaia .

"As soon as we get the final location we will scan the area before going in , we don't know how much and how many people or ammunition are inside we don't know what kind of defence they have plus there might me more girls contained inside so we need to be more careful so no one could get hurt" I conclude with Lucius and other men present with me .

"I worry about what all could have happened to her in these days" I feel for him , it's the first time he has let someone so close and now that person is in danger as well he's fear is justified and to be honest the girl is walking trouble .

"Nothing lu , please be optimistic about everything you know her , I worry about the people who's tolerating her right now not her" I try to ease him but I doubt it helped .

It was close to 2 O clock in the morning when I heard back from Mark .

We were all up with over going the rescue mission over and over again when he called us .

"We found the location" were his words and immediately made us run on our feet's .

"Ryle ask your man to cover every inch of the vicinity no one should be able to escape . Secure every possible exit from the building" I turn back to Lucius .

"Do you think you can get something from inside maybe if there's camera hack them or something so we can know how many people are inside ?"

"Already on it" I nod back at him and called Delano to ask him about his position and how long would it take him to reach here .

We reach at the location in just half hour it appears they came back after taking a u-turn , it helps to get police get off their back and we got in through some alley into a ditch and then off to a forest which had a no trespassing signs all over it , seems like a private property .

We parked our car few minutes away from the entrance and got on our feet .

"Everyone get your ear piece on and stay connected , no one will go solo always be in unit of two or three of any things go off retreat immediately and no one I mean nobody gets hurt from you'll . First priority is to get Krishna out second no one should get hurt and then try to get as many girls out as possible" I whisper with gun clocked in my hand as we advanced to the location .

I hear some rustling behind me and see Lucius with a phone and a gun in his hand tailing behind me . And I raise a brown.


"Go back Lu!"

"No I need to see her"

"You'll when I get her back for you , don't fight Lu you're much better with laptop and we need too much of that data cause we need to navigate once we enter Lu?" And he does listens , like I've stoned a puppy and his crying just the wailing was left .

"They're taking her in" I hear Mark whisper . And we increase our speed .

This place had a weird stench spread in the air . This place had far too many secrets hidden inside which were about to be disclosed . There were several cars parked right about the entrance as the building came in view . It was a well maintained building with two storey and very small windows on each floor barely fir any lights to come through . The energy was not so positive and the silence could kill someone . It felt like a horror movie came to life .

We descended behind the huge trees covering the ground to hide and mask ourselves. Awaiting for Gaia to make her way inside its much needed she can help us once she positions herself inside it took almost a day for us to reach here but it was much easier than we anticipated.

And that didn't sit right with me .

As soon as it went over 5 minutes we started to advance towards the door from all possible ends and surrounded the house .

"There are six huge man sitting in the living room with guns and it seems they've been drinking so it can be of some help to slow them down. There's a back door which is been guarded by four men and it seems like something is in the kitchen as well cause it has six men more standing there and there's an attic which is also been guarded by two men and each door has two men stationed outside them . No cameras in any of the room except one but I'm unable to hack into it seems like a pretty strong encryption mechanism" Lu says from the earpiece, see he's better with laptop .

"There's around thirty men inside with guns and one attic we don't know what or who's there so be mindful of it only advantage we have is that they're not expecting use we're just twenty and don't know how long Jean would take to come here we might not have enough time to react with the onslaught so please be attentive with your surroundings and before we go in be on your toes don't get hurt" they all respond in affirmations and that's when I knocked on the door and came face to face with a cheap version of hulk .

I hope you can run Krishna cause it's gonna take a lot more effort to slow this one down .

Thank you

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