Chpater 17

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I'm a demon . . .

Something Lizzy didn't expect to hear from her husband. Ciel, how did he become one? How long has he been one? Is he coming after her soul? She had no idea what his intensions are but no one would make love to someone if they didn't care for them in some way, right? Ciel could sense her thinking about what he just said to her. He kind of felt like maybe he should've kept it a secret longer.

"Lizzy, I know this is a shock. And I know you probably don't look at me the same or love me the same or at all but it's only fair to you to know what I am." He said softly, he did care just hard to show.

Lizzy looked at him, she smiled at him. He's right, that's only fair. But demons live forever right? She would grow old and die, but she didn't want Ciel to go through that pain. An idea pop in her head, crazy yes but maybe it could happen.

"Ciel, I love you so much. Yes it's a surprise that you're a demon. But nothing will ever change how I feel for you. I don't want you going through the pain of me growing old and passing away. I want to become a demon."

"Absolutely not." Ciel said quickly after she said that. Lizzy was shocked but was not backing down.

"Well yes."




"Damn it Ciel let me be one for fuck sakes!" Lizzy yelled at him. He was taken a back for a moment. Never once in his whole life he heard her curse. That was shocking, guess she would curse if she was serious.

"Lizzy, it's a painful process. I don't want to hurt you than I already have." Ciel said, Lizzy grab his hand looking him in the eyes. "Only way that will happen if I don't become one." Lizzy said to him, it hurt her not being with him than being one. She rather not grow old and die causing him pain.

"Ciel it hurts me more than not being one. I know it sounds very odd for me to say that. Only reason why is because I rather be with you forever, instead of me passing away from old age and causing you more pain of me not being around."

Lizzy said calmingly to Ciel, he was a little taken aback. She really wants to do this for that reason to be with him forever. Ciel didn't have a good enough reason for her not to become one besides saying no, because he didn't want her to become one.

"Lizzy... do you really want to be one? Because once you become one you can never go back to being human, ever." Ciel asked her.

"Ciel I never been more certain than anything in my whole life. Please Ciel, I love you." Lizzy said to her husband. She didn't expect a 'I love you' back or anything of the sorts.

"Okay. We will do it later tonight I'll make sure that today is the best last day of you being human." Ciel said and pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back tightly, "I love you Lizzy..." He whispered into her ear.

She couldn't help but smile and was ready for tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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