Chapter 12

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Renesmee stared at Sebastian after he pulled it lips away but a couple inches and started into her eyes. She just was in shocked by what he did, but in all her demon life she never once thought that a male demon would kiss her. However, a male demon will only kiss a female for only one reason and that is to claim his mate, and to have a scent on her to let other males know she is his. Renesmee pulled away from Sebastian crossing her arms over her chest looking away from him. Sebastian was very confused but let it go since she probably was very confused and pissed at him. Soon after that Elizabeth, Ciel, Sebastian and her were left off.

Renesmee had to follow behind Lizzy with Sebastian which was the last thing she wanted to do after the kiss. Lizzy and Ciel played some game which in result of Lizzy getting stuffed animals which she was getting a lot of. Props of having a demon fiancée she guessed. After playing 6 games Lizzy began to yawn which means she was starting to get sleepy since she rubbed her eyes.

"Are you tired Lizzy? We can leave if you want to go to bed, this place is here all week we can come back." Ciel suggest to Lizzy since it was close to 11pm and she never was up that late. She smiled at Ciel nodding her head with a yawn. All 4 headed back to the carriage Lizzy sat beside Ciel laying her head on his shoulder which she fell asleep quickly. Renesmee and Sebastian sat across from them Sebastian holding 3 stuffed animal as Renesmee was holding the other 3 making all 6 animals Ciel won for Lizzy. "I suppose I need a shelf in my room for her animals, but I'm sure whenever we have a baby they would be in their room weather it's a boy or girl." He said while patting her head as she was asleep.

When they arrived Ciel insisted on carrying Lizzy to their room even though Renesmee protested but obeyed him anyways. Once they were out of site Renesmee put all of Lizzy's stuffed animals in a empty room. She remember hearing Lizzy discuss the empty room being a baby room in the future. She smiled and put up a shelf real quick putting all the animals on them. When she turned to the doorway she seen Sebastian leaning in with a smirk on his face. Renesmee sighed, "What do you want?" She ask as she straightened up the animals on the shelf. "I would like to talk about that kiss I gave you." That response made her freeze. "A kiss that you unwilling gave a female demon that she didn't want? What do you want a thank you? Oh yes sir I love that kiss you gave me that I never asked for." She said sassily to him giving him a glare.

Sebastian didn't like her response as he walked up to her. Normally a female demon would back down but Renesmee didn't like that Sebastian thinks he has control over her. She stood her ground when he got up to her only 1 foot away. She had a glare on her face and she stomp up to him got up in his face. "If you ever put those hands on me without my okay it's the last thing your hands will ever touch. EVER." She said sternly and left the room with a Sebastian shocked and knowing she was a keeper if she was a challenge. After all, all challenges have the best prizes in the end. He blew out the candle in the rink closing the door behind him as he left the room.

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