Jurassic World

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Jurassic World

The plane ride had been five hours almost exactly. Amy had spent the time by either drawing pictures of little baby dinosaurs (she couldn't get over the fact that she was going to see a dinosaur, which had been extinct for how long, hatch) or reading about them. She read at least one entry on every dinosaur that she had been told that she was going to work with. For some, scientists were undecided upon how the dinosaur even looked, let alone behavioral habits. Others, like the Spinosaurus, it was unclear of what they even ate. Some of the people on the plane gave her strange looks; she was twenty-five and resembled a five-year captured by the wonders of dinosaurs. But, then again, she was also going to the only place in the world where there were dinosaurs.

Once she had gotten off the plane, a man by the name of Dave found her and drove her in a small taxi to a private shipyard. It was here that she first saw the Jurassic World symbol and she couldn't help but to shiver slightly at how much it looked like Jurassic Park's, just with different colors. There were several good sized boats that were anchored at the large dock. Most of them were already decorated in shades of greens and dark brown to create a foliage scene, though there were a few that were currently being painted at the moment. One of the boats that had already been painted was resting at the dock that was facing out to the open sea, a couple of people standing out in front.

Dave pulled to a stop near a few feet from the entrance, turning back to look at her with a wide smile. "Hey, hey, we have reached your designation," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Thanks Dave for driving me here," she replied as she climbed out of the taxi cab with some difficulty. Between the plane ride and then that one, she would get so cramped and stiff. Getting her suitcase out was even tougher and she ended up stopping twice to catch her breath and wonder why Dave hadn't gotten out of his sticking car to help her yet.

She was still struggling to get out of the car when, suddenly, a pair of pale hands reached out and grabbed the other side of her suitcase that was currently falling from the truck of the car. Amy glanced up, surprised, and found a pale, red headed woman smiling at her. "I assume that you are Ms. Grant?" the woman asked with a wide smile as the two of them lowered Amy's suitcase to the ground. Cautiously, Amy looked over the woman to find her in a white dress and tan heels. She looked like a business woman.

"I sure am. Thanks with my suitcase. And you are who now?" Amy said slowly.

A shocked expression came over the red-head's face with her red bangs framing her face. It occurred to Amy that everyone probably knew who she was; the expensive clothes that she wore and the way that she held herself said more than what Amy needed to know. "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Claire Dearing. I'm the person who called you and spoke with you a few days earlier."

"Oh! Now I recognize your voice!" Amy ignored the flicker of annoyance that glinted in Claire's eyes. In response, Amy felt hers narrow and she bit back what would have been a rude remark; since Claire was going to be her boss, she would have to be at least somewhat nice.

"Yes, of course. This would be your last chance to decide not to come to Jurassic World. Have you made your decision?"

"This is way too far away from my home just to not to go with this, Claire. I had a five hour plane ride and then spent an hour in a taxi cab with a man who wouldn't shut up about how great the little fruity drinks were in his local bar. That, and my dad would absolutely love it if I came back? What kind of message is that when you're talking to kids? Saying that you quit and everything."

Claire's face fell. "You have children?"

"No. I'm just saying. I had a lot of interaction with kids when I had my other jobs-"

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