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"There's a slight problem, Amy."

She paused in tossing the hay to the Triceratops, looking at Sam, the caretaker that had just spoken to her. He looked like he had just graduated from high school with the acne that was still on his boyish face. Some of the people that worked here were like that; graduates that had just came from high school that had jumped at having a high paying job away from home. Amy frowned upon the very thought of it, saying that they wouldn't have a clue of what they were signing up for. Claire, however, just told her that there was nothing wrong, and that she shouldn't worry.

But that was hard for Amy. With Alan constantly reminding her about the fate of Jurassic Park, Amy found herself more stressed than what she was when she was enjoying herself. Seether was great; the Spinosaurus was a little older than seven weeks now and was up to her collarbone in height. The sail that had started growing at when he was twelve days old was now a gorgeous, colorful decoration on his back. The blue and black took turns running down the ridges in stripes and, toward the top, looked almost translucent. The daily examinations that the scientists did on Seether had increased as he grew older. It wasn't thought that the sail was used for regulating temperature -while Amy was constantly surprised by the heat that seemed to radiate from it, the scientists believed that it was more of a sign of maturity. They thought that the colors that flashed when Seether turned just right was meant to attract a mate. He seemed to be more busy with itching it though, which lead Amy to think that maybe it served another purpose. Maybe something that helped him swim. But she thought that because, ever since the sail had grown to its supposed length, Seether had trouble swimming sometimes on a bad day. But, he was even smarter now, but still acted like a little baby. Every night before she left him, he would whine until she sang him asleep.

And, besides, what did Amy care about what Claire said? She got frustrated just thinking about it. About her and Owen were going on a date sometime this week. The second that Owen had even told, proudly puffing out his chest and smiling, Amy had just shut down. She knew that she should have done something sooner, but she hadn't and now she had hell to pay for it.

Owen and her had gotten close over the past weeks. Even Seether tolerated him more than the other caretakers, at least, to a certain extant. He had told her a lot and she had thought that they had something growing between them. But, then again, Amy had almost no experience with things in that sense. The one experience that she had like that had ended badly to where she almost refused to let herself get close to someone like that again. However, Owen was a crafty son of a gun. With appearances, he was hot and clearly Amy was completely blown away by him and, with his personality, Amy was able to relax when around him. She felt comfortable with him when they often talked in the afternoons. Sure, most of the time their conversations were about dinosaurs, though, occasionally, they spoke about what they had done before they had came to Jurassic World. He had been a Navy Seal and had told her about several of the accomplishments that he had done with his squad. Amy had told him about the animals that she had taken care of and which ones had been the best and which ones hadn't been.

The day that Owen had brought up asking Claire on a date had been the one that Amy had accidentally fallen into one of Seether's ponds and soaked herself in mud. It had been the moment that Amy knew that they would never cross that friend-zone. So, she had done what a good friend would always do; she had encouraged him to ask Claire on a date to somewhere. She hadn't even been paying attention to where or the details. Her mind had just focused upon the fact that he wasn't going with her.

"What's the problem, Sam?" Amy asked, mumbling under her breath as the matriarch of the Triceratops, who she had named Big Red, grunted at her to throw some more hay. "I'm doing it! I swear, I'm going to accidentally let Betty in here with you, if you don't shut up."

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