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"Are you sure that you want to do this, Amy?"

The dark haired woman paused as she shuffled through her purse, looking up at her father. Alan Grant had never really been around for Amy's childhood, though, after one of his trips, he had been hell bent on raising her for the rest of the time. He had wanted her to become a paleontologist like him, however she had chosen a profession in zoology and trained and studied large predatory animals instead. She had been to several zoos across the United States and had worked with many of different animals, ranging from wolves, bears, large cats, and many others, including herbivores. For almost everything that she had done, Alan had been there for her, even when he clearly hadn't liked it. He looked unsure as he fumbled with his tie and watched her get comfortable before she would get onto a five hour plane ride to get to Costa Rica before taking a cruise ship to Jurassic World.

About a week ago she had received a letter. It was addressed from an island in Costa Rica, Isla Nublar, and had a small decoration of a company called InGen, which Alan had curled his nose in disgust when he had seen it. She had opened the letter with her father looking over her shoulder, scowling. Besides from the Park basically pleading for her to come and offering her a lead job as their Park zoologist, the job was described. Alan didn't want her to accept it. Since her position contained so much contact with the dinosaurs already, there was several layers of paperwork that explained the possible dangers. Being lacerated, killed, eaten alive... Those were just a few possibilities. Having been to the old Jurassic Park, Alan claimed that she shouldn't take it and that it was just too dangerous. He had seen what dinosaurs were capable of.

But, Amy had taken after her mother and, once she had her mind set, nothing stopped her from doing it.

Even though she loved working at the zoos with the animals, this would be her big break. They would be paying her almost triple the amount that she was when she was working at the Washington DC Zoo and this was an opportunity of a lifetime. How many people could say that they had worked with dinosaurs? Alan's persistence had paid off when she was a little girl; she still had most of the dinosaurs that she could remember in her childhood down pact and, secretly, she couldn't wait to see a Tyrannous Rex. Or any other dinosaurs, as a matter of fact.

"Yes, Daddy, I am sure that I want to do this. Come on, think about it!" she exclaimed as she twisted her brown hair up into a quick bun. "I'll be raising baby dinosaurs! How awesome is that? And then, once they've grown up, I'll be training them! Daddy, that's just something that I can't pass up!"

A frown lingered on Alan's lips as he ran his hands through his gray hair. "I know, sweetie. I guess what I'm trying to see is to be careful."

"Daddy, of course I am. They're just like any other animal that I've met."

"Just about 65 million years older."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Amy tried to give her father a reassuring smile as she took a step closer to him, placing either hand on his shoulders. "Daddy, I promise you that what happened at Jurassic Park is not going at Jurassic World. I'm sure that the technology there is more impressive than what I've ever seen. There's a huge difference between the 90's and now, Daddy. There's nothing to worry about."

"Amy Beverly Grant," Alan started as he rolled his eyes. He pulled her into a tight hug, placing his chin on Amy's forehead and rocked her slightly side-to-side. "Don't you dare say that. At my time, Jurassic Park had that too."

"But, Daddy, the 90's and the twenty-fist century are so much different!" She wiggled out of his hug, smiling as she situated her purse and pulled her suitcase to her side. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Alan's face twisted once again into a frown, an unsure look in his eyes. "I'm not going to stop you from going if that's what you're worried about..." He swept a hand over his hair as he studied his twenty-five year old daughter.

Amy was pretty in a simple way; her face was round and normally touched by a face, her eyes were a crystal blue. Her hair was brown and had been wrapped carefully into a neat bun. At the moment, she was wearing a long sleeved blue shirt with a light pair of jeans and a set of black heels, which she had told Alan was so she could have that 'professional' look that she normally failed at. Whenever Alan usually saw his daughter, she was wearing a white tank top, camo pants, and a pair of boots. It was slightly odd to see her like this.

"Then...?" Amy looked up at him as she double checked her plane number, a glint that Alan couldn't describe in her blue eyes.

Alan bit his bottom lip before sighing. "I don't think it's safe."

Glancing around the airport once again, Amy resisted the urge to either laugh, burst out crying, or something else with so many people walking around her. This had been the conversation topic between the two of them ever since she had gotten that letter a week ago. Alan always expressed his concern for the dangers at this new Park, while Amy tried to reassure him that the safety measures were the best that any could get.

Even though her father would murder her if he ever found out, Amy already knew what dinosaurs that she was going to be working with. Most of them were the larger of the predators -a Tyrannous Rex and a Spinosaurus were two- and herbivores like Triceratops. She was most excited to see the T-Rex, which she had been told had already hatched, and then witness the hatching of the Spinosaurus. They had called her a few days before to explain a few more things before she came in today. While she wouldn't be the only trainer/caretaker there at the Park, most of them would have to answer to her. She found that absolutely thrilling; she was going to be taking care of most of the dinosaurs in the Park and, like the Spinosaurus, would be training almost all of them. However, how they wanted her to a dinosaur that was said to be longer than 50 feet long and weighed more than twenty tons, she had no clue. But she definitely couldn't tell her father that.

While he hadn't told her everything about when he went to the islands, Amy was able to guess. No one just misses their father coming back home as a complete mess. She hadn't seen him the first time, though, when her father was even mentioned to others, they always ask if they mean the Alan Grant that went to Jurassic Park. He never said much about it -she assumed that watching people being ate had scarred him- but she could still piece things together. She knew that on the other island that he went too, a huge Spinosaurus had actually killed a T-Rex.

"Daddy, I'll be fine," Amy said softly as she placed a hand onto his shoulder once again. "Don't worry. I'll text, call, send you pictures, whatever, everyday. I promise."

Alan looked up at her and smiled slightly. "Thank goodness, sweetie. I want to know how you'll be doing."

"I love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, sweetie." Alan fumbled with his hands for a moment once they had broken their hug. He sighed and then pulled a small golden necklace from his pocket. Amy's eyes widened when she saw it clearly.

"Daddy... That's Mom's necklace..." She felt the tears beginning to form as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth in surprise.

A sad smile grew on Alan's face. "She wanted me to give it to you when I felt like you would need it the most. I think that going to Jurassic World... you're going to need all of the luck that you can get." He gave her another small smile before pulling her into another embrace through the tears that were falling from her eyes. "And make sure that you look into your suitcase later; I left you a gift."

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