Alexia.... Play Despacito

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Amy wasn't sure who was whining more, Owen because he was pouting about the fact that she had to cancel their carefully planned date or Seether because Amy wouldn't be around to give him his goodnight treat.

"I have spoiled both of you two men." She laughed as Owen dramatically flung himself across Seether's arm, arm over his head and complaining about how lonely that he already was. Seether released another huge whine, the vibrations shaking through Amy as he stared at her with the largest, pout eyes that he could make.

They were adorable. Seether was so comfortable with Owen now that the Raptor Man could practically use the Spinosaurus's ribs as a punching bag and the dinosaur wouldn't even flinch. While Owen had bonded with his raptors, the connection that he shared with Seether was fascinating. They had connected through Amy; Owen was unsure about being around a dinosaur that was fifteen times the size of the four that he worked with, and Seether was clearly not happy about being near someone else constantly. But, once she had introduced them, they had instantly enjoyed being near each other. Amy was only but so strong, but Owen used to push a much smaller Seether around his enclosure. Seether had a playmate. After that, they had absolutely enjoyed being around each other.

"Since you're cancelling and I made this ridiculously elaborate meal just for the two of us, I expect something in return." Owen rested his chin on his hands, his arms balanced on Seether's claw. He looked like a little child with his wide smile and laughter sparking in his eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Hm...." He placed a finger on his chin, looking dramatically off into the distance as he pursed his lips. "What could I possibly want in return...?"

Seether snorted. The force of it ruffled Owen's clothes and flew Amy's hair back. Amy held her arms up and Seether wiggled in happiness as he leaned his head down until his nostrils were being cradled in Amy's hands. She scratched at his whiskers underneath his chin and he immediately began purring again. She cooed at the large dinosaur and he wiggled again.

"I swear," Owen said with a laugh. "If I didn't know any better, you like that big ole dinosaur more than you do me."

"I mean, look at this sweet little baby!" Amy scratched even harder at Seether's whiskers, making him purr even louder. When Owen scoffed, Amy stopped because she was laughing so hard. Seether whined in disappointment and she immediately returned back to scratching. "Okay, maybe I like him just a little bit more."

Sweeping her up with the speed of one of his velociraptor girls, Owen picked Amy right off her feet and began spinning her around, causing her to scream and throw her arms around him. Once they slowed to catch their breath, the Raptor Man placed her back onto her feet. Amy cradled herself into Owen's hold. When she opened her eyes, she could see the smile in Seether's eyes.

"Seether's smiling," she announced.

"Of course he is. He's happy that you're with the most handsome, dashing human being on the planet."

Amy smiled and after a second, it hit her. "Wait. Do you realize the implications this has?" She held a surprised Owen out at arm's left in excitement. "If Seether can understand our emotions, then that means that dinosaurs have the capability to acknowledge it! They're even smarter than they look!" Owen said something, but it flew past her as she realized something else. "Claire said that the Indominus Rex sisters were supposed to be smarter than even Seether....."

With a sigh, Owen brushed back some of her hair. Amy knew that she wasn't supposed to tell Owen (most likely just because Claire had dated him). "You need to stop worrying about these things. Maybe they won't be as bad as what you think they are. Besides, they'll have some of the best trainers working with them. Everything will be fine."

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