Jurassic World Opens; Seether's First Show

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Jurassic World Opens; Seether's First Show

The thing is about being nervous is that you sweat. For some people at least. Maybe some start chewing on their fingernails or even their hair. Some chew on the inside of their mouth. Others tap a foot, shake a leg, or their hands shake. Some's eyes dart back and forth and they constantly lick their lips. But, for the most part, most people sweat when they're nervous.

And Amy was a bundle of that.

Owen was trying to calm her and wasn't succeeding that well. He had tried several things; buying her a big breakfast that she had hardly ate, pulling her down to watch a funny movie to hardly hear her laugh, and then he taken her out riding on his motorcycle and the only thing she had did was ask what time it was so she wouldn't be late. She had been nervous in his presence before but never this bad and she most certainly hadn't been on the small little dinner date that they had had above the raptor pen that had gone very well. In a way, she reminded him of a little kid waiting for their first field trip. "Amy, come on, you did this a few days ago with sponsors and it never once bothered you! This should be easy!"

"Yeah, but now I have a group of little kids...."

Rolling his green eyes, Owen grabbed both of Amy's shoulders, turning the completely nervous woman around to face him. It was probably the first time that he had ever seen her wear makeup and Amy couldn't help but notice how his eyes kept darting down to her lips where she had apply some lip gloss. And, for once, she wasn't in the clothes that she normally wore. She was in a black v-neck short sleeved shirt, wearing tight forest green jeans, and pitch black knee-high boots. Her father's hat was on her head, tilted back so her crystal blue eyes could be seen, and her long brown hair had been curled into soft ringlets. Her entire outfit looked adorable on her; her short height just made her look like she was dressing up for Halloween. A black Mike was hooked up on the right side of her face so her voice could be heard in the glass bridge that was gaining more people by the second. Owen had promised that he would come for her show -the Raptors had yet to be a main attraction so he had been allowed to take the day off. He looked like he always did but he made Amy seem childish almost with her tucked in shirt and brown belt.

"Then just pretend that they're a bunch of stuck up business men that are going to sponsor Seether!"

"But they're not!"

Owen sighed and gave Amy a look that said are you freakin' kidding me? Amy gave him a wide smile and he chuckled as he shook his head, pulling her into a quick hug. "You'll be fine, Amy."

"I'm more worried about Seether. This is his first real show! And I know we got everyone up here yesterday with their cameras and we all took pictures with the flash on but that doesn't mean that-"


"Something could go wrong! This time there's little girls and boys and he could get distracted and-and-"

"Amy, please. Be quiet; you're worrying yourself."

Her blue eyes cut at him dangerously and she pursed her lips. Yes, she was just a tad bit off today. The show was literally going to be on in the next few seconds and she was nervous about taking the first steps out there. "Make me."

"Okay," he said with a large smirk. "It's your fault then."

Before Amy could ask what he was going to do, he had cupped her face, pressed his lips against hers faster than she could even comprehend, and was spinning her around toward the door. Amy was in an absolute daze; Owen Grady had just kissed her. Even as he pushed her out the door and shoved her out the same doorway that Seether had escaped out of all that time ago and into the enclosure, she felt a large, silly grin spreading in her face. Owen's laughter rang in her ears and she couldn't help but to greet the crowd with a dramatic opening of her arms.

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