Meeting Henry Wu

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Meeting Henry Wu

"You said that one of the eggs were hatching today?" Alan asked over her Ipad that Amy had propped up in her apartment. "Did they tell you which one?"

At the moment, Amy was pulling on a white tank top behind a wall. She paused, trying to ignore the feeling of her mouth going dry as she tried to work a lie off the tip of her tongue. Her Ipad was back in the kitchen, leaning against a cereal box for support. Alan had requested her for Facetime at the wrong moment; right when she was in the middle of brushing her teeth and getting ready for her third day at Jurassic World. So far she had kept her promise to her father and had spoken to him each day. With the time differences, Amy had to wait until certain times of the day to speak with Alan, but, whenever she did call, he was more than happy to know that she was alive.

"Daddy," she said slowly as she pulled down the rest of her tank top. "They haven't even told me which dinosaurs that I'm going to be working with. The woman in charge of all of this, Claire Dearing, hasn't even told me what dinosaurs are hatching today." Amy was suddenly glad that her father couldn't see her. She knew that her face had to be twisted to keep from telling the truth.

"They don't think that it's a little important to tell you that kind of information?"

Biting her lip, Amy tightened her belt around her waist. "Well, maybe they told me that it was classified or I was paying any attention because I was too busy getting over the fact that I was going to be there when a dinosaur hatches."

"It is definitely something. I remember when I held that baby Raptor that had just hatched back in Jurassic Park. One of the best things that I have ever experienced besides from holding you as a child."

A wave of guilt washed over Amy and she took a deep breathe to steady herself. She should be happy. Today she was going to be witnessing a Spinosaurus hatching, which would be her first of many apparently, and she would get the chance to name it. While Claire had showed her the entire amusement park yesterday, Amy hadn't been able to interact with any of the animals except for the babies in the Gentle Giant area. Since most of the dinosaurs were still babies and herbivores, the Gentle Giant was the easiest place to watch and care for them. She had been told that the babies would later be introduced into their enclosures. They were also referred too as the 'test subjects,' which had caused Amy to give Claire and the babies caretakers strange looks.

There were little Triceratops, Apatosauruses, Ankylosauruses, and a newly hatched Stegosaurus waddled in there, mostly all huddled together in groups and making noises. Amy had practically squealed at their adorableness. While she had pet them, commenting on little details like the little horns that had just broken the skin above their eyes on a few of the Triceratops, Claire had mostly mumbled, asking a few people if Amy was younger than twenty-five. Most of the dinosaurs were friendly; one of the Apatosaurus took a liking to her and would follow her as she walked about the pen, making soft grunting noises and occasionally batting her with its head. She took a guess and assume that the baby was following her because it thought that she was like the leader of a female herd of elephants. Wherever that one baby Apatosaurus went, the others five were sure to follow. The Triceratops mainly stuck in their group of five and shot glances at her as they grazed on the grasses. The one that Amy assumed to be the matriarch Triceratops seemed to be glaring at her and would lower its head like it was going to attack her whenever she got close, calling out slightly to the others, who would lift their heads up from grazing. Amy, of course, thought that the move was absolutely adorable; the Triceratops had yet to get its horns yet and there were little protrusions instead and it only reached her knees. The group of Ankylosaurs didn't care what she did. They just continued eating as she rubbed their spiky and bumpy backs and tried not to giggle at the little club on their tails.

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