Chapter 1: Life as We Know It

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Adam walked into school and was immediately pelted with a couple spit and large book. "Hey leave him alone you idiots!" Barked a girl's voice as she came over to Adam and helped him up. "You ok?" Asked the girl as Adam took her hand.
"Yeah, thanks Addy." Said Adam as the girl smiled then suddenly a twiggy boy with fluffy black hair walked up wearing a bright green and black oversized cardigan.
"Don't worry about those guys, they're just dicks!" Said the boy as Adam nodded and patted the boy on the shoulder.
"Thanks Maxie." Said Adam with a smile.

Addison Pauler and Maximilian Vale but his friends call him Maxie, these two had been Adam's friends for a very long time. Adam met Addison on that rooftop long before he started school. Though after that day on the rooftop he never thought he'd see her again but after he joined middle school he was constantly being bullied for just the way he looked. That first day was hell but after school while he was waiting for Daniel to pick him up when some bigger boys shoved him down the steps of the school when this wild girl came out of nowhere she had literally jumped down from the roof and tackled the boy. She beat the crap out of them and then Adam recognized her and she recognized him. The two became fast friends because Addison was also bullied in school for being a girl that wasn't very lady like so she and Adam quickly bonded over that but realized they had a lot in common with each other.

Then in freshman year of highschool the duo became a trio when they met Maximilian Vale, the only openly gay student at Gotham High. Maxie was bullied a lot until Addison and Adam stepped in to protect and they all became great friends.

While Adam hung out with his friends at school, Lorraine was dropped off by her father at her grandfather's home. "Alright, have fun with Oswald and Edward ok." Said Daniel as he kissed the top of her head.
"Ok Daddy." She said with a smile as she got out of the car and ran up to the porch and knocked. One of Oswald's maids opened the door and Lorraine ran past her. She ran into the parlor and just saw Edward Nygma sitting at a table working on something and Oswald was sitting on the couch drinking scotch by the fireplace and reading a book but he didn't notice her and looked up from his book. Lorraine put a finger to her lips not making a single sound as she crept over behind Edward. Oswald gained a devilish smile as he watched his granddaughter try to scare his husband. Lorraine blew on his ear a bit then when he turned around she quickly hid behind him. "Oswald did you blow on my ear?" Asked Edward as he turned to face Oswald while Lorraine hid behind him.
"How could I have done that I'm all the way over here?" Asked Oswald as Edward huffed.
"If this is your attempt at making me just as superstitious as you are it won't work, I'm way too intelligent to believe in ghosts." Said Edward firmly as Oswald nearly started laughing at this display.
"Oh yes you're very intelligent." Said Oswald as he tried so hard to conceal a smile but couldn't help but giggle at Ed'a cluelessness.
"Don't laugh at me Oswald!" Barked Ed as suddenly Lorraine grabbed his shoulder.
"RAWR!" She yelled out and Edward nearly jumped out of his skin. He put his hand on his chest and breathed for a second.
"Why do you do that?" Asked Edward as Lorraine giggled.
"Because you get so sucked into your work that you become so easy to scare!" Said Lorraine held up her hands in a way like she was making herself out to be much scarier than she was while still showing that Edward was easily scared.
"Speaking of my work, do you want to see what I'm working on?" Asked Edward as Lorraine nodded. Edward stood and took the small device he was working on then walked into the next room with Lorraine following closely.
"Don't set the house on fire!" Oswald yelled to them as Edward called back.
"No promises!" Said Edward.

Edward brought Lorraine into a room he was using as his laboratory and showed her a large chemistry station. He grabbed a vial off of a stand and brought it over to a cage of mice. "Watch this." Said Edward in an eager tone as he took a small dropper and put the clear liquid in the water bowl for the mice. The rodents ran to it and started drinking it. They took a few sips then paused, it was like they were frozen.
"Are the mice ok?" Asked Lorraine in a worried tone as Edward walked over to another work station he had and grabbed a small joystick.
"They're gonna be perfectly fine." Said Edward as he flipped the switch on the bottom on the controller. "For the next 24 hours then they're probably gonna die, hopefully." Said Edward under his breath to himself because he knew how much Lorraine disapproved of him testing his toxins on animals. Edward moved the joystick and the mice moved in a synchronized kind of way. 
"Cool! Are you controlling them!?" Asked Lorraine as Edward nodded yes.
"Do you want to see what else I've been working on?" Asked Edward with a devilish grin and Lorraine nodded with bright eyes. Edward walked her over to another table with what looked like some kind of robotic head sitting on it.
"Is that a robot?!" Exclaimed Lorraine as Edward wavered his hand.
"It's becoming one." Said Edward as Lorraine looked at him.
"Why do you need a robot?" Asked Lorraine as Edward sighed and sat down.
"Through my years of criminal activity I've come to realize that humans are fickle species who easily betray you for something as little as pain." Said Edward as Lorraine looked at him.
"What about Oswald?" Asked Lorraine as Edward smiled.
"Let me tell you something about Oswald. He has betrayed me more than anyone I've ever known in my life and I've been married to him for a very long time." Said Edward as he smiled a little thinking of the many years he had been with Oswald and though it had been quite rough he wouldn't have had it any other way.
"That's cute." Said Lorraine as she smiled. "I hope I can find love like that." Said Lorraine with a dreamy look in her eyes. Edward patted her head and smiled.
"I'm certain you will, now are you ready to see if this thing works?" Asked Edward with a devilish grin as Lorraine nodded. Edward grabbed some protective goggles for Lorraine to wear then started hooking up wires. Edward then led the wires a few feet away in case the head over heated and exploded then flipped the switch to turn it on. The head blinked it's eyes for a second then it's eyes rolled into the back of its head and started sparking. Before Edward could get close it let off a small burst of sparks which made both of them jump but they both started laughing afterwards.

While Lorraine played around with her grandfathers, Daniel had decided to surprise Sarah with a romantic lunch date. Daniel knocked on Sarah's office door and Sarah responded with a simple, "Yes," so Daniel opened the door. "Daniel, what are you doing here!?" Asked Sarah as she laughed at the sight before her. Daniel was dressed in the suit she had bought for him the Valentine's Day after she had gotten out of Arkham and was reinstated as a psychiatrist with a bouquet of lilies that were identical to the fake one her father wore in his lapel.
"I thought we could have a little lunch date." Said Daniel with a small grin.
"I really need that right now." Said Sarah as Daniel raised a brow.
"Why what's wrong?" Asked Daniel as Sarah gathered her things.
"The GCPD keeps coming around here asking about what happened to Dad and lying about is becoming a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be." Said Sarah with a sad sigh.
"Joker's been dead for three years and they're only looking into it now?" Asked Daniel as Sarah nodded.
"That's what I said and the Detective told me that Joker's disappearance was low priority. They just suspected he would come back and hit harder than ever just like he does but the years went by and nothing so now people in power are getting nervous so the detective is just trying to find evidence to put people's minds at ease." Said Sarah as she leaned against the side of her desk and Daniel walked over and put the bouquet of flowers on the desk then put his arms around her. "It's like they don't care at all." Said Sarah as she rested her head against his chest.
"It's ok, they can think what they want but we know that the Joker's last act was a good one." Said Daniel as he kissed the top of Sarah's head.
"Can we go to lunch now?" Asked Sarah as Daniel smiled.
"Yeah let's go." Said Daniel with a smile.

While Sarah and Daniel had their romantic date Adam and his friends were on lunch at school. They walked into the cafeteria and were immediately disgusted by the food the school was serving. "Hey guys, Malone's Pizza, my treat!" Asked Maxie as both Adam and Addison nodded.
"Yes!" They said together as they headed out to the local pizza joint where they were very well known.
"Hey it's my favorite customers!" Said the over as he stepped out from behind the counter to chat with the three. "Addison, you beat anyone down today?" Asked the owner as Addison nodded.
"You know it Lorenzo." Said Addison as she smiled.
"Hey Maxie you see any cute men my age you let me know, eh?!" Asked Lorenzo in a jesting tone.
"Of course the community sticks together!" Said Maxie as he smiled.
"My goodness, Adam my boy you get taller every time I see you! Hey your parents are here, their back at Dog's favorite table." Asked Lorenzo as Adam nodded.
"Hey guys, go get a seat I wanna go say hi." Said Adam as he walked into the sea of tables.

Adam walked around until he spotted his mother sitting at an empty table with two meals sitting on it. "Hey Mom, where's Dad?" Asked Adam as Sarah smiled at him.
"He said he had to talk to the cook." Said Sarah as she scooted the food around on her plate with a fork. "What are you doing here?" Asked Sarah as Adam shrugged.
"Eh, school food looked absolutely horrendous so Maxie offered to buy us pizza." Said Adam with a smile.
"I'm glad your friends are nice like that." Said Sarah as she sighed and started tapping her nails against the table. Suddenly the lights started flickering and Daniel walked in from the kitchen with two large men following after him. He stopped and turned to the men.
"Be sure that Mister Thomas is well taken care of." Said Daniel as he adjusted his tie and slid back on his black rubber gloves which he used to block the electric current in his body from hurting those he loved.
"Of course, Boss." Said one of the men as two went back into the kitchen without another word. Daniel turned with a bright smile.
"I'm sorry about that Sarah- Hey Adam, what are you doing here?" Asked Daniel as he put his arm around Adam's shoulders. Adam once again explained his plans for lunch with his friends and Daniel grinned widely. "Don't worry about paying, let's just call it a gift." Said Daniel as Adam smiled.
"Thanks Dad." Said Adam with a smile.

While Adam and everyone else was having fun, Lorraine and Oswald had their own fun. Oswald had invited Lorraine to a game of pool with him which they often did when she hung out at his home, so far he hasn't beaten her yet. Oswald hit the white cue ball and it bounced off multiple different colored cue balls until the white ball went into the top left corner pocket. "Damn it!" He growled under his breath. "I used to be able to beat Falcone in this game but now my 12 year old granddaughter is wiping the floor with me." Said Oswald sighed.
"What can I say, I guess I'm just naturally gifted." Said Lorraine as she shrugged and sat up on the corner of the table. The balls clicked together as she shot them across the table, she landed the black 8 ball, blue 5 ball, and 9 yellow ball all into the same pocket. Oswald shook his head and went to make his next shot but as he lined up the pool cue he heard a loud thud so he looked up in response and saw that Lorraine was on the floor completely limp and unconscious.

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