Chapter 19: Hurricane of Emotions

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Sarah stood in the lobby of Arkham Asylum filling out some paperwork last minute after her session with a patient when she was approached by a detective. "Dr. Ivory, my name is Detective Klinewood, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Asked the man as Sarah looked up from her paperwork and sighed.
"Fine, my next appointment isn't for another 20 minutes so you have that long." Said Sarah as she stared at him waiting for whatever questions he had to spill out.
"Where were you the night of the 25th?" Asked the detective as Sarah looked at him knowing that was the night Daniel killed the two cops.
"I was at home, asleep." Said Sarah as the detective finally looked up from his note pad and made eye contact.
"Were you alone?" Asked Detective Klinewood as Sarah looked at him.
"No, my son was home." Said Sarah as the detective nodded.
"And do you know where I would find him at this hour?" Asked the detective as Sarah sighed.
"At school." Said Sarah as the detective nodded.
"Have you had any contact with your husband since that night?" Asked Detective Klinewood as Sarah glared at him.
"No." She stated firmly as she glanced down at her watch.
"Do you have any idea where he would hide after being in trouble like this?" Asked the detective as Sarah huffed.
"No and your time is up, good bye Detective." Said Sarah as she turned and walked away. It had been a week since Daniel disappeared and all her answers had been true, she had no idea where he was and she just hoped he was safe. Of course she hadn't been out looking for him but she didn't have to, Adam volunteered since he was already out on patrol as Stagg very regularly so she didn't really have to go out looking for him. Sarah knew that it was best if she kept parading around like she was simply just the innocent worried wife so the police wouldn't possibly suspect her when the evidence that was needed to put Daniel away just suddenly disappeared. She knew that the dash cam footage they had of Daniel was circumstantial at best because it didn't show him actually kill the cops, we heard what sounded like it but without hard evidence that he had even touched those cops there was a chance that a jury could be convinced that he didn't do it.

While Sarah was keeping up the facade of an innocent wife, Joker was deciding to get up to some mischief. He decided he wanted to gas the upcoming Wayne Enterprises Charity Gala that was going to have some special guests in attendance. Oliver Queen of Queen Industries and Lex Luthor of Lexcorp. Joker was somewhat friendly with Lex Luthor so he thought about "kidnapping" him so he wouldn't kill him with the gas. He also didn't want to kill Bruce so he decided he would kidnap, Bruce and Oliver too and hold them all hostage so he could demand the city pay him because he needed some money for his big plans but first needed to get out of Arkham.
Joker walked around the recreational room until he saw Harley sitting at the table folding green and red crepe paper into roses. He walked over and sat with her. "Hey Harls." He said sweetly as she didn't even look up.
"What do you want Mister J?" She asked as she knew that whenever he was being nice to her he wanted something.
"Why do I have to want anything? Why can't I just be nice to my ex?" He asked sweetly as she looked up at Joker with an expression that showed she wasn't buying it so Joker sighed. "Fine you win." Said Joker as he held up his hands, surrendering. He then leaned in close with nothing but the paper flower in between their faces. "I want our, Harls. I got big plans for the Charity Gala this weekend but I can't do anything about it if I'm stuck in here, I can make it worth your while if you and your girlfriend help bust me out of here." Joker suggested as Harley leaned back and looked around.
"I don't know, Mister J. Security's pretty tight around here since the Dog killed those cops, might be tricky." Said Harley as Joker knew she was trying to squeeze him for more.
"What do you want?!" He snapped as Harley leaned back in.
"Me and Ivy need a place to crash, cops took some weed killer made by ACE to our old place and the building came down with the plants so you let us use one of your safe houses, we'll help you." Stated Harley as Joker winced at the mention of his safe houses because while he was in lock up at the GCPD he saw one of his old men there and they told him what had happened while he was "away".
"I can't help you there Harley, while I was..." He cringed at the thought of admitting he had been dead these past 3 years. "..away the cops got one of my boys to squeal so they stormed every safe house I had. I might be able to scrounge up something but it won't be enjoyable!" Joker hissed as Harley started to day dream.
"Red can make any dump enjoyable." Said Harley as she sighed happily while Joker just rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers.
"Harley focus!" He barked.
"What? A girl likes to daydream." Said Harley as she seemed proud of her statement.
"Harley?" He said sweetly. "Do you think you could just talk to Ivy and convince her to get us out of here? I'll make it worth your while!" He sang sweetly as he walked his fingers over to Harley's hand but as he went to touch her Harley pulled back in a fearful kind of way which took Joker by surprise.
"I'm sorry Mister J, I can't help you! Find someone else to manipulate cause I've had enough of being your plaything!" Said Harley as she stood and walked away.
Joker sat there for a minute thinking and looking around to see who else he could use to get him out of here. He looked around and saw Jervis Tetch reading a ripped up copy of Alice in Wonderland while sitting on the window seal. Joker walked over and sat across from him. "Hey Tetchie, how ya been?" Asked Joker with a smile as Jervis barely looked up from the book and shook his head.
"The deceitful clown wants me to help him leave this place for plans of mischief hide behind that smile on my face." Said Jervis as he flipped a page in his book.
"And your answer is?" Asked Joker as he smiled at him but Jervis shot him a very nasty glare.
"The Hatter rolls his eyes for he knows the clown only tells lies!" Said Jervis as he buried his nose in his book.
Joker scoffed and walked into the center of the room but as he stood there, he realized that every person in this room he had used and betrayed in some way long before Sarah was ever born so these memories were still fresh but he knew that these people had the last 20 years to brew in their hatred of him so of course no one was going to help him unless he could bargain past their hatred of him.

He spent the better part of the morning trying to convince anyone to help him but he got nothing but shawty remarks and aggressive rejections. Finally he got to his session with Sarah and he started to wonder if he truly was as untrustworthy as everyone seemed to believe. "So Dad how have you been this week?" Asked Sarah as Joker sat in his chair playing with the button on the sleeve with a look of intense thought. "Dad?" She asked as she looked at him.
"Do you think I'm untrustworthy?" Asked Joker as Sarah immediately knew she could not be honest in the answer to that question but instead relied on her instincts as a psychiatrist to know exactly what to say.
"Why would you think you're untrustworthy?" Asked Sarah as Joker sighed.
"Oh yeah know, I've screwed over a lot of people in my days and I'm realizing that if no one can trust me then who can I rely on to help me when I need it?" Joker asked as Sarah looked at him.
"You can trust your family." She stated not as a suggestion but as a pure fact.
"Why do you trust me?" Asked Joker as Sarah leaned back.
"I'm serious, sweetheart. All my memories of you and us are fuzzy so refresh my memory on why you think I'm such a perfect father." Said Joker as Sarah sighed and looked at him.
"Well it took a lot for me to understand why no matter what I could always go to you if I needed you because you gave me away when I was born so I mostly grew up on my own but when I was 8 years old, I got admitted here, illegally of course but the point is at that time I just wanted to give up. I felt completely alone and I actually thought it was what I deserved because of the way people treated me. Then one night this guard took me down to your cell and started beating me with his nightstick. He was going to kill me and then you came to my rescue. At the time I didn't know you were my father but I did know that you were the reason everyone treated me so badly. I knew from a very young age that everyone who ever hurt me was trying to hurt you through me so knowing that the monster this entire city was terrified of treated me like I actually mattered made me feel safe and loved. After I met you I didn't need anyone else's love, all I needed was yours." Said Sarah as he smiled softly.
"So no matter what I've done over the years whether to the city or to you, I can always rely on you?" Asked Joker as Sarah smiled.
"Of course, Dad." Said Sarah with a soft smile.
"Then would you break me out?" Asked Joker as Sarah lost her smile.
"Oh my god!" She said as she shook her head. "I'm such an idiot!" She said as she didn't even look at him.
"Come on sweetheart!" Said Joker as he came around the desk and looked at her but she was not amused by his attempt at manipulating her. "You said I could rely on you." Said Joker as she huffed. "Plus I broke you out of here before, sounds like you owe me one." Said she looked completely disgusted.
"Guards!" She shouted as the door opened and two guards came flooding in.
"Come on sweetie! Don't do this!" He said as the guard grabbed him.
"I think we need to work on restoring your memories because you are not my father you are the monster that people want to punish through me and my children so until we find a way to bring my father back, I think some isolation therapy is in order." Stated Sarah coldly as Joker was not pleased by that.

As the guards were taking Joker to the isolation ward they had to walk him through the parking lot and they were pretty much out of sight of anyone so Joker took his chance. Joker kicked one of the men in the side of the knee hard enough to dislocate it and then almost at the same time he headbutted the other guard breaking his nose. Joker got away to a transport van and hot wired it before they could catch him and drive off.

Sarah had seen all of this from a window and just sighed as she reported it.

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