Chapter 17: Masks of all Kinds

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"So let me get this straight! You are my grandson and instead of being a clown like me, or at least a villain of any kind, you're this White Stagg vigilante?" Asked Joker as Adam nodded.
"Yeah." Said Adam as he stared down at his feet.
"Huh? Well what do ya know?" Said Joker as he started to laugh. "Learning about what my lineage has been up to has been wild! First my daughter is a psychiatrist at Arkham who's married to Penguin's thug of a son! And now I hear my grandson is a hero? Well that's gotta be the best joke I've heard in a while!" He said as he laughed and nearly fell off the vent shaft he was sitting on.
"You really think that's funny?" Asked Adam as Joker grinned.
"Kid, I think it's the best thing in the world! It proves that all those stuck up jerks were wrong about me and my blood, turns out we do got some good in us." Said Joker with a grin.

"Well Mom is probably looking for you." Said Adam as he stood from the ledge he was sitting on.
"Eh your mother worries too much." Said Joker as he hopped down from the vent shaft. "Come on let's have a little fun! I deserve to have a little fun I've been dead for the last three years!" Said Joker as he threw open his arms. "Come on Adam, come be bad with you grand dad." Said Joker as Adam wanted to but then shook his head.
"No, I can't!" Said Adam as Joker nodded.
"Well not dressed like that you can't! Can't have the good people of Gotham think their new hero's gone bad, come on I got something that's perfect!" Said Joker as he climbed down the fire escape they used to get up there. Adam followed him and then Joker started looking around. "Good thing my old memories from before your mom was born are all fresh in my mind, I might not have remembered where I left it." Said Joker as he darted down an alley way.
"Left what?" Asked Adam as he followed clicking his helmet back into place. He followed Joker until he saw Joker struggling to move a dumpster.
"Help an old man out." Asked Joker as Adam rolled his eyes and shoved the dumpster over. Behind the dumpster was a hole in the wall. Joker knelt down and crawled in. Adam waited for a moment not sure what was happening. "What are you waiting for? An invitation? Come on in!" Said Joker as Adam knelt down and crawled in the hole. When he came out the other side he saw what looked to be an old run down hotel.
"What is this place?" Asked Adam as Joker walked over some rubble.
"This is the Gotham Grand Hotel, or at least it used to be. Damn! This would've been over thirty years ago but back when there weren't any kids to hold us down or at least not for me.  This place was under Penguin's protection so I came by and blew this sucker sky high! But the old place is pretty resilient so it didn't burn to the ground like I had hoped but the city labeled it uninhabitable so there's a win." Said Joker as he went up to the front desk and got into the safe under the desk. He put in the code to the safe and opened it.
"Are you stealing from a hotel you blew up?" Asked Adam as Joker scoffed.
"No! I and everyone else that I was working with already took everything from here. No what I'm looking for in here are these." Said Joker as he shook a pair of keys in Adam's face. "Come on let's go." Said Joker as he ran over to the grand staircase and ran up them. Adam followed him up the stairs and then he stopped at room 107. "When I attacked this place, they had invited an acting troop to perform for the guests." Said Joker as he opened the door and walked inside. Adam followed and inside the room were costumes hung up all over the room but as he looked closer he noticed ratty old leather jackets and older clothes. "I used to bring most of my new recruits here to dress up, play the part of a Joker thug! So pick out anything ya like." Said Joker as Adam took off his helmet and set it on the bed. He started looking around and sifting through the clothes. He finally settled on a bright blue dress shirt and a pair of black jeans with a pair of rainbow suspenders which Joker insisted upon. "It needs more." Said Joker as he hummed then looked around then finally found a white tux jacket that had been plastered in paint. "There. Now some makeup so no one knows who you are." Said Joker as he sat Adam down and did some clown makeup on Adam. When he was done they looked in the mirror side by side and Joker smiled softly. "Huh." Said Joker as he looked genuinely happy.
"What?" Asked Adam as he looked at Joker through the mirror.
"Standing side by side with you in clown make up, you look more like my son than my grandson." Said Joker with a smile.
"Yeah." Said Adam with a smile.
"Come on Adam, let's go cause some trouble!" Said Joker as Adam sighed.
"Ok." Said Adam as he and Joker left the hotel.

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