Chapter 10: The Start to an Era

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Oswald and Edward were cuddling on the couch together kissing when suddenly there was a loud knock on the front door. Oswald sighed and looked in the direction of the door. "Who could possibly be here in the middle of the night!?" Said Oswald as Edward tapped his finger tips against Oswald's side.
"Well maybe if we just ignore them, they'll go away." Said Edward as he started kissing Oswald's neck. Oswald gripped Edward's dress shirt tight but then another loud knock. "Guess not." Said Edward as Oswald got up. Oswald walked over to the door and opened it aggressively.
"Yes!?" Asked Oswald as he blinked. "Lorraine?" He asked as Edward jumped up and ran over.
"What are doing here in the middle of the night?!" Asked Edward as Lorraine sniffed like she had been crying.
"Mama kicked me out of the house." Said Lorraine as she wiped her hand across her face.
"So you came here?" Asked Edward as Oswald rolled his eyes.
"Alright come inside." Said Oswald as Lorraine stepped inside, she was completely soaked. "So I presume this is because of the bodies?" Asked Oswald as Lorraine nodded.
"Mhm, I just don't understand why she can accept Daddy but not me." Said Lorraine as Oswald looked at her.
"Well she did have to clean up your mess so you wouldn't get caught." Said Oswald as Lorraine glared at him.
"There was no mess! I was using them!" Said Lorraine as she walked over to the fireplace and stared into the flames.
"What were you using them for?" Asked Edward as Lorraine sighed.
"I was experimenting with my new toxins, I want to get just the right effect! Not too quick of a death, I want it to be long and painful, I want them to feel intestines boiling until they spit them up and choke on them!" She growled as Oswald and Edward were intrigued by their granddaughter's intense rage.
"And who exactly are planning to use this toxin on?" Asked Oswald as Lorraine turned.
"My entire high school." Said Lorraine as they grinned.
"Why?" Asked Oswald as Lorraine smiled and started laughing.
"Because everyone hates me there, at least Adam has friends, people that care about him there but me I just get cruel and horrible done to me." Said Lorraine as the grins that they gained from the thought of mass murder dropped completely and the two loving men became very protective of her very quickly.
"Lorraine what happened?" Asked Oswald as she sighed. Lorraine then went on to verbally paint for them the last few weeks she had at school before she killed the four people that were found dead in the cellar.

Almost nearly a month prior to the first murder Lorraine's torment had started. It started by people calling her names but Adam assured her that it was gonna be ok, people called him those same names and even beat on him but some day hopefully soon he promised her that she'd find friends like he had, friends that would stand up for her and help her fight against the bullies but instead she found love.

One morning Lorraine was sitting in the cafeteria finishing up some extra credit work for classes when a boy walked up. "Hi." He said as she looked up.
"Hello, can I help you?" She asked as he sat down.
"You're Lorraine Ivory right?" Asked the boy as she nodded.
"Yes." She said as he smiled.
"I'm Nathan." He said as she nodded and continued to work. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out?" Asked Nathan as she looked up from her work.
"Um... Sure." She said as she started turning a little red.
"Great, why don't we go down to the park, I'll bring a bottle of wine, and a blanket we could look at the stars." Said Nathan as Lorraine tucked one of her pure white hair behind her ear.
"Ok." Said Lorraine as he leaned forward and kissed her, her very first kiss.

That night when she went into the woods with him, they got deep into the woods then he threw the blanket over her head and ran off. When she tore it off she was surrounded by people. "Good job stalling her baby." Said Stephanie Hellman the girl who had been torturing Lorraine since she started the school year.
"Nathan?" Asked Lorraine as she saw Nathan standing behind Stephanie holding her waist. "What's going on?" She asked as Stephanie stepped up to her.
"You're being played dummy! Did you really think Nathan let alone anyone would like you? You're a freak! Come on Lorraine be honest with yourself would anyone ever really love you? I mean look at you! Only if those white patches covered your whole body, maybe you could get the Joker to sleep with you? Oh wait I think we'd all prefer if he killed you and dumped your body in the river!" Said Stephanie as Lorraine started to cry. "Oh my god are you crying?! Guys look at her!" She said as everyone started laughing. "Hey I got a joke for you! What's partly white and covered in mud?" She asked as she kicked Lorraine in the shin and she tumbled down the hill and into the muddy dirt road below. Everyone on the top of the hill then suddenly Lorraine was hit by a truck and the driver didn't stop. Everyone watched in horror as Lorraine put herself back together and they screamed at her, they all screamed freak then ran off leaving her there.

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