Flames of Passion

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Thank you @aes1szn and I hope you like it.

MANNEQUEEN Redlic x Reader

The evening had begun quietly enough, with you and Redlic sharing a nice night at home. But as time passed, a seething argument between you began to grow.  Small arguments escalated into a full-fledged fight, and it was as if the sparks of irritation fueled your emotions.

Redlic's anger was evident as she screamed her worries, her eyes flashing. "I can't believe you're so stubborn, always thinking you're right!"

You, too, felt angry and refused to back down in the face of her claims.  "I'm not the only one who struggles to see the big picture!" It irritates me because you're so short-sighted!"

As the argument continued, the room became tense. You were both stubborn, and neither of you was willing to give in. The heat of the disagreement burned your cheeks with rage and frustration as the voices became louder.

In the middle of the chaos, Redlic's gaze caught on yours, and she said those fateful words, her voice low and forceful.  "Shut up."

Her order hung in the air like a challenge, difficult you to ignore it. The fire in her eyes sparked something within you, a mix of frustration and desire that had been growing during the fight.

"Make me," you answered, your voice low and tension-filled.

The argument shifted into a completely different direction at that point. The room's wrath and desperation had given way to a different type of intensity—a heady mix of Lust and tension, a challenge that neither of you could decline.

Redlic drew closer to you, her lips crashing onto yours in a powerful, passionate kiss. The kiss represented an eruption of want and fury a need to show power and a desire to be dominated. It was as if the fight started with  a hidden flame that could only be smothered by a different kind of fire.

As the kiss deepened, your hands tangled in Redlic's hair, drawing her closer. It was a tense war of tongues and teeth, a struggle for control and submission. The tension in the room was obvious between you, a physical electricity that left you both breathless.

Clothes were flung aside in a fit of outrage, and you found yourselves caught in a passionate embrace, a war of lips, hands, and skin. The rage that had powered the argument had now been channelled into a different type of intensity, one that had you both gasping for air.

The tension between you grew as your bodies crushed against each other. It was a war of wills and desires, a struggle for domination with little place for room for negotiation.  Redlic's nails drove into your back, and you responded by grabbing her hips with a strong hold.

The room was filled with heavy breathing and the rustle of blankets as you moved in a frantic pace. The wrath that started the fight was now bound with a desire, a violent mix of emotions that had you both on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The tension that had sparked the experience was then released in a wave of bliss with a final, passionate climax. The room fell silent, the remains of the fight long gone in the aftermath of your deep connection..

You were still trembling from the intensity of the encounter as you lay wrapped in one other's arms. The frustration that had fuelled your passion had been replaced by a sense of closeness and connection, leaving you both feeling raw and vulnerable.

Redlic was the first to break the silence, her voice barely audible in the dark light. "I can't believe we let our argument turn into this."

You quietly giggled, your fingertips drawing lazy patterns on her skin. "Sometimes, it takes just one spark to start a different kind of fire."

Redlic softened her sight as she turned to face you. "I never thought anger and love could be so connected."

You shared glances with her, a slight smile on your lips. "Passion has many appearances, and sometimes it's the rawest and most intense feelings that lead to the most powerful connections."

You hugged each other close in the quiet moments that followed, the tension in the room replaced by a sense of calm and affection. It was a night you'd never forget, a night when an argument had turned into a passionate show of desire and love.

As you lay together in the aftermath, the room filled with a sense of intimacy and tenderness that had been absent at the start of the evening. The argument had led you to a place of vulnerability and connection, a place where love and desire had triumphed over anger and frustration.

It was a night that had taught you both that sometimes, in the midst of chaos and disagreement, it's the intensity of your emotions that can bring you closer and remind you of the powerful connection you share.

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