Facing Difficulty

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BEBE Bada x Reader

"Alright, team BEBE, let's nail this choreography!" Bada yelled with her typical enthusiasm, energising the crew for yet another tough practise session.

You and the rest of the girls were lined up, eager to get started. It was the Mega Crew Mission for Street Woman Fighter, and Team BEBE was ready to go. The competition was fierce, and you'd all been working hard to perfect your routine.

You and your teammates started dancing as soon as the music started. The routine was complicated and physically difficult, but you were determined to perfect it. The energy in the practise studio was electric, with every dancer giving their all.

You attempted a tricky spin halfway through practise, but something went wrong. You landed awkwardly on your left ankle, and a sharp pain rushed up your leg. You bit your lip to keep the cry from coming out, thinking it was just a passing ache.

However, as the practise progressed, you realised that the soreness in your ankle was not going away. You attempted to keep going, not wanting to let your team down, but the pain was making it increasingly impossible to dance.

Bada, who was keeping a careful check on her team members, noticed something was off. During a spin, she noticed you wince and limp somewhat. Concerned, she paused the music and gathered the group.

"Hey, everyone, let's take a quick break," Bada stated, her gaze fixed on you. "Y/N, are you alright?"

You paused, not wanting to show your injury and delay the team down. The pain, on the other hand, was getting terrible, and you realised you had to be honest. You forced a smile as you nodded. "I think I twisted my ankle, but it's nothing serious." I'll be alright."

Bada was not convinced. She walked over to you and gently lifted your pant leg to look at the situation. Her face became serious as she examined your sore ankle. "This is more than a twist, Y/N." We need to get you checked out."

The other girls gathered around, their expressions filled with worry. Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Minah, Cheche, and Sowoen all stared at you with concern, realising how much pain you were in.

"I'll take Y/N to the hospital," Bada stated. "The rest of you can continue practicing for now. We'll catch up once we have an update."

The team reluctantly agreed and resumed practise. Bada assisted you in carefully putting on your shoe and stood by your side as you limped out of the studio. The drive to the hospital was short, but every bump shot a flash of pain through your ankle.

You were soon checked by a doctor at the hospital, who confirmed that you had sprained your ankle. As the doctor wrapped your ankle and gave you crutches, Bada stayed by your side, bringing comfort and support.

Bada couldn't help but feel anxious and guilty as you walked out of the hospital. "Why didn't you tell me earlier, Y/N?" You were in so much pain."

You shrugged, attempting to downplay the problem. "I didn't want to slow down the team, especially with the Mega Crew Mission coming up. I thought it was just a minor thing."

Bada sighed and gently stroked your cheek. "You're not just a teammate; you're my girlfriend." You should never keep your pain hidden from me. We'll find a way to work around your injury while still performing."

You smiled gratefully, realising how lucky you were to have Bada by your side. "Thank you for understanding. I promise I won't hide anything from you again."

Over the next few weeks, you and Bada worked closely together to adjust the choreography for the Mega Crew Mission. Bada made certain that you could continue to contribute to the group while protecting your wounded ankle. The other girls were really supportive and understanding, and they all went out of their way to accommodate changes.

The Mega Crew Mission day was both exciting and nerve-racking. Despite the initial setback, Team BEBE had worked tirelessly to adapt their choreography to accommodate your damaged ankle. Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Minah, Cheche, and Sowoen all showed great dedication and solidarity. The stakes were high, but you were prepared to give it your best.

As the video began, there was a palpable sense of excitement. The dance routine was complex, but you could see you moved with determination, your ankle well-supported and shielded. The other crews watched in awe as Team BEBE delivered a mesmerizing performance.

Bada, in her role as leader, showcased her exceptional choreography and leadership skills, guiding the group with precision and charisma. The crews cheered with every synchronized move, and your spirits soared. There was a magical connection between the members, a sense of unity that no injury could break.

When the video ended, the applause was thunderous. The judges seemed to be deeply impressed, but the competition was tough. As the results were announced, Team BEBE placed fifth in the Mega Crew Mission. While you had hoped for a higher ranking, the accomplishment felt significant given the circumstances.

After the announcement, Bada was the first to approach you, her eyes gleaming with pride. "Y/N, we did our best and showed our team unity." "I'm very proud of what we achieved together."

You gave Bada a sweet kiss while smiling through a mix of emotions. "I couldn't have asked for a more amazing team or a more loving girlfriend."

The rest of the girls joined the two of you, sharing hugs and words of support. They voiced their admiration for your determination to perform with an injured ankle, acknowledging the spirit of unity that had carried you through.

The competition went on, and you got to see the remaining crews show off their great talent. Although Team BEBE hadn't secured the top spot, the experience had deepened your bond with Bada and your teammates.

You and Bada cuddled on the couch the night after the competition, enjoying in your sweet victory. "We did it," Bada whispered, nuzzling against you.

"We did," you said, gently kissing her forehead. "And I couldn't have done it without you, both as my leader and my girlfriend."

Bada smiled her eyes shining with love. "No matter what, I'll always have your back." We make a great team, in dance and in love."

You hugged her tight, grateful for the strong relationship you shared. There was no obstacle too big, no difficulty that was impossible to overcome with Bada by your side. As you both fell asleep, you realised that the future offered endless adventures and opportunities for you both, and you couldn't wait to face them togetherp.

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