A Day Of Rest

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Thank you @teupearl I hope you like it.

Platonic BEBE x Reader

Minah, Bada, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Cheche, and Soweon have been struggling as an outcome of the Street Woman Fighter competition.  The lengthy hours of rehearsals and intense dancing duties had exhausted them all physically and mentally. You couldn't stand seeing them so tired as their best friend, so you thought it was time for a girls' day out to help them rest and unwind.

You called each of the girls one sunny morning and invited them to join you for a day of pampering and fun. They all agreed excitedly, and you could sense the joy in their voices as they enjoyed the break from the tough competition.

You were the first to arrive at Minah's house, greeted by her tired but bright smile. She'd been practising a difficult choreography , and her body was feeling the strain. "I can't believe you're doing this for us," she said as you hugged her.

"You deserve it," you said back. "We're going to have a great time, and I promise you'll feel refreshed by the end of it."

The entire group soon gathered at Minah's house, and laughing and talking filled the air. Bada, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Cheche, and Soweon were all thrilled about the upcoming day. They were aware that they needed a break, and you were determined to give them the best girls' day out they'd ever had.

Your first destination was the nail salon, where you had all made appointments to have your nails done. Each of your friends chose a distinct style, and the salon was buzzing with enthusiasm and relaxation. The nail professionals gave you all with attention, and the girls were speechless about how much they needed it.

Bada, in particular, had picked a design that consisted of her passion for dance, and she couldn't take her eyes away from her nails. "This is exactly what I needed," she murmured, gratefully looking up at you.

You went to a spa for pedicures after leaving the manicure salon. You couldn't help but notice the transformation in the group as you all relaxed in luxurious chairs. Their worn faces had been replaced by smiles and a sense of calmness.  The competition's stress had temporarily vanished replaced by utter peace.

Kyma, who had been experiencing the strain from the competition, sighed blissfully.  "I didn't realise how much I needed this," she confessed. "Thank you for doing all of this Y/N unnie, you're the best."

The rest of the day was spent shopping. You led them around boutiques and stores, encouraging them to choose something they liked. Each of them found  a unique object that made them grin. Sowoen even found a unique set of sunglasses that she couldn't help but try on, causing the entire group to burst out laughing.

The relationship between you and your girls became stronger over the day. The shared pampering and shopping experiences, along with the opportunity to enjoy one other's company without the pressure of competitiveness, provided a genuinely reassuring sense of friendship.

Tatter, who had been struggling with injuries from her dance missions, seemed to have forgotten her pain for the day. "This is exactly what I needed," she exclaimed, her face beaming with delight. "I can't thank you enough for this unnie, it means the world to me."

You all decided to go to a near park after a delicious meal at a cosy restaurant. The weather was shining brightly, and you had brought a picnic basket with of your friends' favourite snacks. The park became a haven of calm, with everyone sitting on a giant blanket, telling stories and eating snacks.

Lusher, who had been pushing herself to the edge during the competition, rested back on her elbows and took in the scenery. "I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed," she admitted, tears welling up in her eyes.

The day was coming to an end, but you had one more surprise in store for them. You had booked a private room at a karaoke bar, knowing that it was a popular activity among your friends. Their cheeks lit up with enthusiasm the instant they walked into the room and noticed the microphones.

Bada, who was known for her loud voice, was the first to reach for a microphone. The girls joined in as she sang out a song, and the room filled with laughter and music. They sang their hearts out, forgetting all the competition's stress and worries.

Kyma, who is recognised for her dynamic stage presence, had everyone in stitches with her hilarious performance. The karaoke session was the ideal way to cap off the day, allowing the others to let loose and have a good time.

As the night drew to a the end, you took each of the girls to their houses. They all appeared to be more comfortable and revitalised, with a fresh lightness in their steps.
Sowoen gave you a warm hug. "I have no words for how thankful I am for today. It was exactly what we needed unnie."

Lusher agreed, saying, "You're an amazing friend, and we're lucky to have you in our lives."

You said your goodbyes with hugs and smiles, happy and grateful that you could bring some joy and relaxation into the lives of your dear friends. It had been a day of fun, a connection, and relaxation —a day that everyone will remember fondly.

You couldn't help but smile as you drove back home. Your friends had earned a break and it was enjoyable to see them happy and comfortable. The friendship between you had become even deeper, and everyone will cherish the memories of this girls' day out. It was a good day, and you knew you'd always be there for your pals, no matter what difficulties they encountered.

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