The Finals

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BEBE Bada x Reader

Emotions ran wild on the night of the Street Woman Fighter finals. You were standing backstage with the rest of Team BEBE, and everyone seemed excited and nervous at the same time. Bada, in particular, was a bundle of nerves as she went over the choreography and checked in with the girls.

The room's adrenaline spiked as the music started and the team took the stage. The performance needed to be perfect because the choreography was tough.  The judges and crowd gazed at the stage, anticipating what would happen next.

With a racing heart, you watched the performance on the backstage monitor. You had complete faith in Bada and the rest of the crew, knowing that this competition meant the world to her, and you had the utmost faith in her and the rest of the crew. You clenched your hands tightly, sending silent well-wishes and love.

The backstage area erupted in collective gasps as Team BEBE performed an especially challenging sequence. Every crew was competing fiercely and giving it their all. Each member of BEBE danced with constant commitment, showcasing their skill and the powerful bond that held them together.

You couldn't help but cheer silently as the performance continued. The crew's coordination and solidarity were unmatched. The audience was enthralled with the magic they were working on that stage.

The excitement in the room intensified to an almost unbearably high level as the performance neared its end.  Bada's voice resonated as she counted off the last few beats, leading her team to a perfect finish. Your heart sprang at the deafening clapping from the crowd.

Team BEBE left the stage and made their way back to the backstage area during the cheering. The girls expressions showed a mixture of tiredness and excitement; they were ecstatic and gasping for air. With contagious smiles, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Minah, Cheche, and Sowoen embraced one another tightly.

You hurried over to join in the celebrations.  You gave each girl a hug while shouting, "You were incredible!" "I'm so proud of all of you!"

Lusher replied, "Thank you so much, unnie," and Bada joined in the celebration, her eyes still full of the passion of the performance. The girls showed their appreciation to each other. She gave the crew hugs and smiles in appreciation of their combined efforts. The room buzzed with shared joy, and it was a beautiful sight to behold.

As the rest of the crews watched the celebrations in awe, they couldn't help but notice you and Bada. You stood side by side, your eyes locked with deep affection, and there was a sense of solidarity and love that radiated from both of you. The other dancers exchanged glances, realising that your relationship held a secret source of strength.

The results were eagerly awaited, and as the judges prepared to announce the winners, you and Bada clutched each other's hands, your fingers entwined. The crew members huddled together, supporting one another in the final moments of suspense.

When Monika announced, "The winners of Street Woman Fighter Season 2 is... Team BEBE!" the arena erupted into cheers, and your hearts swelled with joy. The dancers jumped with excitement, their screams echoing in the backstage area.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the crew's happy emotions, knowing they had won their well-deserved victory. The love and affection they received from their fans, the respect they received from their fellow dancers, and the recognition of their hard work were amazing.

The team finally returned to the backstage area after their time on the main stage, and you were ready to congratulate them once more. The room was buzzing with life, and as you hugged each member of BEBE, your smiles mirrored theirs.

Then, as the celebrations continued, you noticed Bada standing apart from the gathering, still talking with some of the other crew members from other teams. As you saw her engage with the dancers, your heart filled with pride and love.

But after a while, Bada turned, and her eyes locked with yours. It felt as if the entire world had slipped away, leaving only the two of you. You moved towards her without a second thought, your movements swift but filled with devotion.

As you approached Bada, your eyes met, and all your love and pride for her was reflected back to you. You didn't need to say anything as you threw your arms around her and pulled her into a close, warm embrace.

"Proud of you doesn't even begin to cover it," you said into her ear as you held her tight. Bada's eyes sparkled with happy tears as she leaned into your embrace, her grip on you equally firm.

The powerful emotions, the countless hours of practise, the obstacles they had overcome had all led to this moment. With the victory secured, Bada's heart was overflowing with love and appreciation, and tears ran down her cheeks.

"I couldn't have done it without you," she admitted, her voice soft but filled with emotion.

You brushed a delicate kiss across her forehead, feeling her warmth against you."I've seen how hard you've worked and how committed you've been to leading this team, and it's paid off." You're amazing, Bada." Your tone is gentle.

She smiled through her tears, her gaze fixed on yours. "Thank you for being here for me, even when nobody knew. Your support means the world to me."

The other crew members continued to celebrate their well-deserved success as you both shared a joyous moment backstage. The room was alive with the energy of achievement and fellowship.

It was a night of celebration and acknowledgment, and Team BEBE's efforts were rewarded with the title they deserved.

Bada lifted the trophy high as the audience applauded and confetti poured down, her heart brimming with delight and appreciation. And you, her secret supporter, stood right backstage, sharing in the glorious moment.

The journey had been long and difficult, but it had brought you and Bada closer. Your love and support had been her strength during the competition, and it was a connection that would deepen as you embarked on new adventures together.

As the night turned into early morning, and the celebrations continued, you and Bada found a moment alone backstage. You stared at each other with affection and pride, knowing that your bond was stronger than ever.

And as the world celebrated Team BEBE's victory, the two of you celebrated the love that had quietly thrived in the background, making the triumph all the more special.

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