Unveiled Hearts

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Thank you @pillowsarescary for requesting and I hope you like it.
Jam Republic Kirsten x Reader

Kirsten sat alone in a poorly lit section of the coffee shop, her untouched latte in front of her going cold. She couldn't help but stare at you, the person who held her heart so closely while being entirely oblivious of her true feelings. As you talked to lively to the person who was across from you, your eyes gleamed. Laughter echoed through the room, and every ounce of Kirsten's being ached.

In the sight of your bright smiles and shared laughter, the love she had for you, the love she'd nourished softly and secretly seemed pointless.

Kirsten struggled to focus on her laptop screen with shaky hands, the flickering cursor mocking her with writer's block. Her novel, her escape from the dark emotions that often overtook her, remained stuck in her head, unable to flow onto the pages. Her quiet love echoed on the pages she couldn't write, buried beneath layers of unnoticed words.

Kirsten's lips twitched with a sarcastic smile as she thought about the irony. She was a writer, a master of using words to create worlds, feelings, and stories, but when it came to expressing her love, vulnerability, and emotions towards you, the words disappeared.

The conversation at the opposite table continued, and Kirsten felt like an outsider in a play where she desperately wanted to be an actor. Your pleasant, careless laughter danced in her ears, each note piercing her heart like shards of glass.

"Hi, Kirsten!" I didn't expect to find you here," a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

Kirsten looked up, startled, to see her best friend, Ling, standing next her table. For some time, her expression brightened, relieved to see a friendly face among the chaos. "Hi, Ling. What are you doing here?"

Ling pulled up a chair and sat down, looking at Kirsten with curiosity.  "I'm just trying to get some work done." So, how about you? You seem a little... busy."

Kirsten sighed, her attention shifting to you, the subject of her love.  "I'm just... observing.
Ling followed her line of sight, seeing what she was doing. "You're still doing that? Staring at Y/N?"

Kirsten nodded, her heart aching as she was captivated by the scene of your joy. "I'm sorry, Ling. I don't want to feel like this, but I can't help myself."

Ling let out a sympathetic sigh. "You know, Kirsten, we don't always have control over how we feel about someone. But perhaps it's time to talk to Y/N and be open about your feelings."

Kirsten laughed bitterly, her gaze fixed on you. "Ling, it's easier said than done. I'm afraid of what would happen if I did. What if it ruins our friendship?"

Ling leaned in closer, her voice soothing and sweet. "Unless you try, you'll never know." And let's be real, do you want to keep suffering in silence forever?"

Kirsten found herself split between her fear and the possibility of happiness while the two friends talked. The idea of her admitting her feelings for you was horrible, but so was the thought of never knowing whether you felt the same way.

Hours passed, and the coffee shop slowly emptied. Kirsten's latte sat untouched, forgotten. She realised she couldn't keep dodging the reality any longer. She had to confront you and confront her emotions.

When she noticed that the person you were talking to left she gathered her bags, waved bye to Ling, and headed over to your table with new passion.  You looked up, taken aback by her sudden arrival.

"Hey i didn't know you were here," you said with a friendly smile. "What's up, Kirsten?"

Kirsten looked you in the eyes after taking a long breath. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."

You leaned in, focused. "What is it?"

"I've been in love with you for a while now," Kirsten said, her heart racing. And watching you with someone else earlier made me realise that I can't keep it to myself anymore."

For a split second, silence fell between them, the tension evident.  Kirsten's heart felt like it was about to burst. Then, much to her surprise, a faint smile appeared on your face.

"I've been waiting for you to say that," you admitted, and Kristen's throat tightened. "I like you, Kirsten." I thought you'd never notice because you don't really pay that much attention."you said with a small smile.

Kirsten felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders as the atmosphere started to brighten. Her eyes welled up with tears as she extended for your hand, which you took in yours.

It was a moment of pure, genuine relief, of shared feelings finally revealed. Kirsten couldn't stop smiling through her tears, and you quietly giggled.

"So, what now?" you asked, without taking your attention away from hers.

"Now," Kirsten said quietly, "we begin a new chapter."

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