A Digital Dance of Hearts

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Thank you @girlyghostface for requesting and I hope you like it.

BEBE Bada Lee x Fem Reader
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In an array of your shared history with Bada, 2021 represented a significant chapter—a year that saw a silent dance transformed into a musical symphony of love.

Your paths had crossed in the most unexpected of ways, a collision of worlds within Seoul's thriving dance scene. Bada had been a source amidst the sea of dancers, a power that caught your attention from the first interaction.

The relationship between you and Bada was created during a dance showcase, an event filled with the energy of skill and creativity. She danced with a grace that appeared to defy gravity, her movements creating a story of passion and emotion that spoke to the audience.

After the show, among the abundance of praise and honours, fate drew you both into each other's circle. A conversation began, a meeting of minds that extended beyond the realm of dance moves and choreography.

Days passed into evenings, spent in the quiet corners of small cafes and on Seoul's bustling streets. Laughter became the soundtrack to your conversations, and the unspoken connection grew into a common understanding that extended beyond the dance floor.

The turning point arrived during a quiet evening stroll through the city park—a symphony of crickets accompanying your footsteps. Bada glanced to you with a vulnerability that connected with the silent wishes racing within your own heart, her eyes mirroring the glittering city lights.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you," she began, her voice a gentle melody in the peaceful atmosphere.

You stopped, the suspense evident in your stare as you encouraged her to continue.

"I feel something special between us, something beyond the dance studio," she admitted, her earnestness like a lighthouse in the dark. "I'd like to look into it further." Would you... be open to that?"

The question hovered in the air, tinged with hope and fear. Yet, your heart whispered a resounding 'yes' before your lips formed the words, sealing an unspoken agreement to embark on a journey of love and discovery together.

And so, in the glow of city lights, amidst the symphony of crickets, you and Bada began on a romance that grew with each shared moment and every whispered confession.

Fast ahead through the seasons, and your relationship with Bada became stronger—a tapestry of shared dreams, worthwhile conversations, and stolen moments amidst the bustling cityscape.

As the year progressed, the world around you changed, but your relationship remained a constant refuge—a safe haven for both love and creation.

It was a peaceful evening, with the lovely hues of sunset painting the sky, when an unexpected decision was made. You and Bada found yourselves on the rooftop of your favorite spot in the city—a secluded haven that overlooked the twinkling skyline.

The mood was ethereal, with the city's symphony humming distantly against the backdrop of a sunset-kissed sky. Bada's laughter, carried by the breeze, echoed like a mellifluous melody as she turned to you with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

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