The Banter of Love

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Thank you @KiyokoHirose14 for requesting and I hope you like it.

MANNEQUEEN REDLIC (Haeun) x Fem Reader

Growing up in the same neighbourhood, your relationship with Haeun was a rollercoaster ride from the start. Your families were close, and it seemed natural that your paths would cross frequently. Banter and arguing were constants in your dynamic, from childhood games to teen shenanigans.

As kids, it was teasing about who could climb the highest tree or who was the fastest in a race. However, as you both entered your teenage years, the banter took on a more sarcastic and biting tone. It was as if you two had invented a secret language that only the two of you could understand.

Nobody could understand how two people who fought all the time could still be friends, but there was an underlying bond that held you together. It was the kind of friendship where every insult was met with a sly smile and every disagreement was secretly enjoyed.

The sun sank on a regular day, spreading a warm orange glow over your neighbourhood. As Haeun and you crossed paths on the street, the typical banter began.

"Why do you always wear that ridiculous hat?" Haeun remarked, her eyes narrowed in feigned disgust.

"At least I don't wear socks with sandals," you shot back, a smirk playing on your lips.

The conversation went on, each phrase carefully designed to sting but not wound. To an outsider, it may have appeared to be a furious disagreement, but it was simply another way of communication between you and Haeun.

Haeun's eyes glinted with mischief as the banter reached its peak.  "You're impossible. I don't know why I put up with you."

"Because you secretly love me," you replied, the words slipping out before you could think.

Haeun scoffed, yet the corner of her lips twitched slightly. "In your dreams."

Little did anyone know, those dreams were closer to reality than anyone would have suspected.

Later that evening, the two of you found yourselves on the rooftop of an abandoned building, your secret hideout. The distant hum of the city below served as background music to your conversations.

"Why do we always fight?" Haeun murmured, her gaze fixed on the city lights.

"Maybe because we're both too stubborn to admit we enjoy it," you said, leaning against the edge of the rooftop.

The truth was that the banter had become a soothing ritual. It was a method to show affection without being vulnerable, to show you cared without saying it out loud.

Haeun shifted her gaze to you, her eyes softer than normal. "You know, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we didn't argue all the time."

You lifted an eyebrow, pretending to be surprised. "Are you saying you'd miss my charming insults?"

Haeun rolled her eyes, but her face was genuine in its warmth. "Maybe a little."

The unspoken understanding between you two lasted, producing an atmosphere of calm amidst the city's bustle.

Days turned into weeks, and your banter continued. Sharp words, taunting glances, and the occasional eye roll were typical.  However, there was a slight undertone of something deeper in the air.

One evening, as you both walked home from school, Haeun broke the banter with an unexpected question. "Do you ever wonder why we fight so much?"

You shrugged, attempting to conceal your newfound vulnerability. "It's just how we are, isn't it?"

Haeun came to a halt, her gaze drawn to yours. "What if there's something else to it?" What if we fight because we're both afraid to show how much we care?"

The question hung in the air like a cloud of unspoken facts.  Time appeared to stand still for a second as you both struggled with the realisation.

"I thought you loved me," Haeun whispered, scarcely raising her voice above a whisper.

"Who could ever love someone like you?" you asked, your words bearing a weight that revealed your heart.

There was a brief quietness, the unspoken emotions dangling like a fragile thread in the air. You then moved a step closer to Haeun, sighing.

"Maybe I do," you admitted, your vulnerability evident in your words.

Haeun's eyes widened in surprise, and the banter was replaced for the first time by an unspoken understanding. She closed the gap between you two without saying anything, her lips meeting yours in a kiss that expressed volumes.

The city below resumed its monotonous routine, oblivious to the shift in your connection. The banter had done its job, tearing down the barriers that surrounded your genuine feelings.

You and Haeun navigated the uncharted seas of a romance created from the ashes of playful banter in the weeks that followed. The change wasn't smooth; old banter still crept into your chats, but with a gentler edge, a hidden layer of fondness.

Haeun couldn't help but tease you as you walked home hand in hand one evening, "I never thought I'd see the day when you'd willingly hold my hand."

You rolled your eyes but responded by squeezing her hand. "Don't get used to it. It's purely for practical reasons—like making sure you don't run away."

Haeun laughed, a sound that echoed your two's newfound understanding. The banter had evolved into a language that only the two of you could understand.

As days turned into months, the secret romance blossomed. You exchanged sneaky looks in busy rooms and carefree banter that now carried the weight of shared history. The rooftop, once a witness to the beginning of your real connection, became a place of quiet reflection for stolen kisses and whispered confessions.

You both eventually had to face the question of whether your relationship could withstand the criticism of the outside world. The decision to keep it a secret was not caused by shame or fear, but by a wish to enjoy the intimacy that had developed between you in the absence of outside world.

She looked to you with a serious expression one day as you and Haeun stood on the familiar rooftop, the city lights below mirroring the stars above.

"What are we doing, keeping this a secret?" Haeun said, her gaze drawn to yours.

You sighed and ran your hand through your hair. "I just don't want things to change. I like how we are now."

Haeun nodded, her expression softening. "Me too, but I don't want us to hide forever."

The conversation went on, the unsaid understanding bridging the distance between you two once more. The hidden relationship continued for the time being, but the seeds of a future where your love may grow publicly were planted.

The banter resumed one evening as you both wandered through the neighbourhood. Haeun teased, "I bet you can't even remember the first insult you threw at me."

You smirked, pretending to be deep in thought. "Ah, undoubtedly.  It was something about your choice of socks, wasn't it?"

Haeun whacked your arm in amusement. "You're impossible."

But this time, there was a shared laughter that echoed through the familiar streets. The banter remained, an unspoken promise that, no matter what, your connection would endure the tests of time.

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