13- The Gathering

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Emmy hovered nervously beside Sycamore and behind Hollyhock where they waited on the new border with the Lake Tribe. The water had begun to recede, but they had agreed to let the Vaporeon Tribe hunt on the ground where the river had left streaks of mud and slime all across the forest floor. With them also was Thyme, who had a talent for diplomacy, and that was all.

Hollyhock had listened without question to Emmy's story when they had arrived back at the Forest Tribe's village the previous night, and she had agreed to call a meeting with the two Tribes who hadn't attacked them recently. This involved a visit to both the Lake and Plains Tribes' villages, which Emmy and Sycamore had to attend, being the only ones who had been present when the Sky Tribe had called for the meeting. Rogue, of course, had also been there, but Hollyhock considered the large Flying-Type a bit too threatening to include in their patrol.

So they sat on the Lake Tribe border, fidgeting and shaking mud from their pads, waiting for a Lake Tribe patrol to appear.

It wasn't too long before a blue head emerged from the swirling river, followed by two others.

"Rapids," Hollyhock greeted the purple-eyed molly leading the Lake Tribe members. "I am here to request an escort to your village to speak with Pearl. I believe it is important."

Rapids nodded to her companions- Emmy had lived long enough with the Forest Tribe to know they were named Bubbles and Aqua- and gestured with her tail.

"Well, come along, then," she invited those gathered on the shore.

It occurred to Emmy only when the Vaporeon had confidently waded into the water that this visit was going to require swimming, swimming the tumultuous river that was still swollen with past rain.

"I'll stay beside you," Aqua said into her ear, apparently noticing her discomfort. "Just remember to keep moving your legs."

Aqua's green-tinted fur was sleek and still wet from his swim, and felt cold and oily when the water knocked Emmy off her paws and he had to shove her back upright. Hollyhock had already made it to the opposite shore, unaided, and Rapids was attempting to help Sycamore along, who kept bobbing underwater but continued with grim determination. Thyme was being practically dragged by Bubbles.

The water soaked right through Emmy's short, dense coat, and dug icy claws right into her skin. She had now waded so deep that it nearly covered her shoulders, and the waves brushed her chin. She would have to launch into swimming very soon, and she dreaded the moment.

Can I swim? Have I ever been able to swim?

The ground dipped away beneath her, water closed over her head, she opened her jaws in a panicked yowl and the muddy river flooded in. Aqua's jaws grasped her scruff, and he hauled her above water. Emmy tried to do as instructed and began churning with her paws, relieved to feel that she had, at the very least, stopped sinking. He guided her across the deep expanse of water, unconcerned.

Vaporeon are one of the few mammals with fully functional gills, Emmy's brain chose to remember despite the moment of crisis.

Then nerve-wracking swim was over, her paws could feel the muddy, overflowing banks of the river, and she trotted out as quickly as she could. She shook out her pelt, trying to rid herself of the mud and the cold.

I think I would have died, if I had to infiltrate this Tribe instead, she decided.

Sycamore, Hollyhock, and Thyme had all survived their crossings as well. Their coats stuck up in spikes, tangled and decorated with whorls of mud. The Vaporeon had fared much better, their coats shed water and they had thick undercoats to keep them warm. Rapids waited impatiently for the other Eeveelutions to claw their thoughts back together.

Warrior Eevees #1: The Storm of FireWhere stories live. Discover now