31- New Growth

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Emmy followed Sycamore and Acorn through the bracken, keeping her head and tail low as she had been trained to when stalking. It had only been a week since they had driven out Entei and Raikou, and already, the forest was healing. Fresh green sprouts poked up wherever the land had been burnt, and the fallen trees had turned into wonderful homes for prey, and easy pickings for the Forest Tribe.

The Tribes had gone back to their individual territories. Apparently, despite the turmoil, the home of the Sand Tribe was already so desolate that they reported almost no difference in their lives ever since, except for the occasional discovery of an enormous pawprint. The Plains Tribe, who had lost a lot of grass, were now hunting in the meadow where the Sky Tribe stayed on occasion.

The Sky Tribe had wandered on, not wanting to burden the land with extra hunters. Krowcoat had stopped to say good-bye to Emmy on their way west.

"In the Sky Tribe, we see many amazing things," he had said. "But I don't think anything will ever top that. I'll be telling my grandkittens about that someday. About you, too. I've never met a human in a Pokémon's body before, but I thank Arceus every day that you were here."

"Thank Arceus you were here, too," Emmy had told him. "Good luck, wherever you go."

Crystal, too, had said her good-byes before the Mountain Tribe began their trek back up to their territory.

"It was nice to meet the Tribes in the shadow of the mountain," she had purred. "But I really do prefer the cold. Come visit anytime, though!"

Rush had taken Emmy by surprise by going to the Sand Tribe with Shine.

"You didn't see that coming?" Sycamore had asked, shocked.

"No, I guess I never thought about it," Emmy responded.

"Pokémon change Tribes all the time to be with their mates," Sycamore shrugged. "And a Jolteon is going to do okay in the Sand Tribe, they're built for hot weather and open spaces."

Aqua had been the only one to not give an elaborate farewell, with sort of a formal nod before he'd dove into the stream and swum back to his Tribe.

"He's on our border, anyway," Sycamore had shrugged. "I'm sure we'll see him again."

Emmy wasn't sure how she felt about 'their' Tribe. She was less sure than ever that the Forest Tribe was really her permanent home. It was a lovely place full of lovely Pokémon, and she enjoyed hunting and chatting with them, but her memories were coming back thicker and faster. She had a family at home, a mother who loved her, two siblings, and a lot to lose.

Sycamore might have been talking to Duchess, however, who had come back with the Forest Tribe, at least until she could figure out what she wanted to do. She seemed utterly miserable in Tribe life and would complain to Emmy about things Emmy thought she remembered, like a soft human bed with sheets, and watching the television, and rugs and food she didn't have to kill and car rides to the park. To Emmy, it was pretty clear that Duchess longed to return to domesticated life, like Sylveon evolved to exist in. No matter what happened, Emmy was planning to offer to send her to Fall City with Rogue to try and find someone to take her in.

All Emmy was waiting for was... Something. Deep inside, she thought she knew, and she finally found the courage to tell Sycamore when Acorn told them he was going off to hunt by himself. Sycamore had just made a fantastic leap for a Pidgey and caught it with one paw.

"Sycamore, I think I have to leave soon," Emmy finally admitted to him and to herself.

He stared at her with his odd eyes, and then sighed.

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