26- The Storm of Fire

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On the flight home, Derrick insisted that Meteor led. The Flygon needed to ride the draft of his wings to keep up with the other two, and even then, Emmy saw him struggle to stay aloft. The flight into Raikou's storm had taken all of his strength, but there was no time to rest. They had to continue on.

Rogue had taken notice and flew in front of him, too, throwing breezes for Derrick to ride his way as they cruised along. Rogue was better at soaring and gliding than the dragons, and he didn't need to flap as much as he was, but it helped keep Derrick in the sky.

Raikou raced beneath them, leaping along easily as fast as any of them could fly. Emmy actually got the impression that the Legendary was holding himself back. The great Pokémon huffed in annoyance whenever they had to stop for the night and chose to lay with his chin on the ground, ignoring the mortals around him. There was no cheerful chatter as they ate, the presence of the huge Pokémon was impossible to ignore and cast a shadow over the group.

"At least he agreed to help us," Sycamore told Emmy as they hunted together, hopefully out of Raikou's earshot.

"Yeah," Emmy said noncommittally.

Sycamore dropped into a hunting crouch, his green ears twitching. Emmy waited for him to make his leap and kill his prey before she decided to be more open with him.

"I get the feeling that he's only coming with us to fight Entei, though."

Sycamore blinked at her. "Isn't that what we want?"

"Yes," she said. "I mean, I guess. I just think that he wants to fight Entei for his own reasons, nothing to do with us."


"So... So, I don't know," Emmy shook her head. "I get a bad feeling about this, is all. I'd like to talk to Krowcoat about it, he knows a little about Espeon Psychic, but..."

It was hard to get a moment to talk to Krowcoat, who asserted that Pokémon hunted by themselves in the Sky Tribe, and she didn't want to discuss this in the sky around the rest of the group. She didn't want to make anyone panic.

If Emmy really thought it would help, she might have pressed it, but it was kind of too late, anyway. Raikou was following them now, and Emmy was quite confident there was nothing they could do about it. They would certainly be unable to lose him.

"It just makes me nervous," she sighed.

Sycamore ran his tongue across his chest, thinking.

"It's natural to be nervous, I think. With the whole 'Storm of Fire' thing."

"I guess," Emmy said noncommittally. "I don't think we can stop Raikou now, but... I don't know, I'm worried."

 The next day, they were supposed to arrive back at the Tribe territory. Emmy decided it would be best to make right for the Sand Tribe's desert to tell Raikou where Entei was asleep. Just get it over with as quickly as possible. Plus, part of her was nervous to bring him anywhere near the Forest Tribe.

Shine and Crystal had been nervous about the Legendary entering their territories, but that was where Entei was. It couldn't be avoided.

"They're going to fight, aren't they?" Crystal pointed out. "What does a Legendary fight look like?"

Duchess, who was sitting with Krowcoat and Crystal on Meteor's back, was happy to provide what little information she had.

"In the book my humans used to read, there was this one story about three Legendary Pokémon- I think one of them was called Zippo or something- and they had a fight over the ocean, so this big Legendary called Lunge showed up and stopped it."

Warrior Eevees #1: The Storm of FireWhere stories live. Discover now