30- The Last Hope

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Emmy walked between the Plains and Sand Tribes, their gold and flame-colored fur pressing against her from both sides, crackling with electricity and trailing with smoke. Behind her walked Rogue, his talons plowing into the churned earth of what had been the Plains Tribe's home.

At the head of the group, Emmy saw Stride's pelt glow with sudden light, and, as one, the Plains Tribe fired a thunderous bolt of electricity at the sky, diverting a lightning bolt that had been streaking toward the group.

Beneath the sky of madness, the turf was churned by enormous, half-visible claws, and the world was again full of the howling roar of the fights. Stride and Wildfire sent signals to their Tribes with light as they couldn't be heard. Every ear was flattened, each pelt ruffled against the raging sky. Emmy used her tail to signal to the others where she sensed the huge Legendary Pokémon in the storm. They had one last plan, a plan that depended on every Tribe doing their part, including her. And her part would be speaking to the raging Legendary Pokémon for hopefully the last time.

Now a burst of flames bore down on them, and they were saved only by the combined power of the Sand Tribe. Shine, who walked close to Rush, snarled aimlessly at the sky. They were about as close as they could be without touching, given that Rush's fur was full of electricity and bristling with quills, and the Flareon of the Sand Tribe had grown blazingly hot with stress. They were shouting at the top of their lungs to each other, but even though Emmy was close enough to touch them with her tail, she could not make out what they were saying.

Rogue dipped his beak close to her, sheltering her on either side with his great wings, his eyes flickering.

"Oh, I hope this works," he said directly into her ear.

"It will!" Emmy shouted back.

I hope.

The thunder and fire raining down from the heavens could only be matched by the combined power of every Pokémon in the Tribes with Emmy. They stopped when she did, and when she craned her head up, she thought she could see the thick-furred underbellies of the Legendary Pokémon high above them, outlined in the shapes of the smoke and clouds.

Two quick flashes of light flickered along Stride's coat. He was asking her if she was ready. Emmy raised her tail in response.

Yes. I'm ready as I'll ever be.

Another flash of light, and the air around Emmy suddenly blazed and crackled as the Plains Tribe and Sand Tribe unleashed their attacks onto the invisible bodies above them, searing the sky with their light. These attacks, it seemed, truly pierced the fur of the Pokémon above them. Emmy saw Entei's invisible body buckle with the sudden lightning strike piercing through him, and Raikou reared in shock when fire scorched his whiskers.

The winds went oddly silent, a lull in the lightning and fire as both Legendary Pokémons' invisible but painfully sharp eyes swept over the tiny Pokémon gathered beneath them in a defiant pack. Emmy leapt to Rogue's back, and in an instant, they were airborne, sailing up to look into the faces of the huge destructive Pokémon. Emmy could not see them, but was aware she had their full attention.

"Entei, Raikou!" she shouted over the howling wind in the language of humans. "We have spoken among ourselves, and the Tribes have decided that this territory belongs to neither of you- It belongs to us!"

From below, the Tribes let up a wild yowl that seemed to pierce the storm. They couldn't understand her words, but they saw her signal with her tail. The storm clouds and crackles of static that made up Raikou's face swung to face her, his huge, wind-bellowing nostrils sending Rogue flailing in the sky.

"Yes?" he spoke in the language of humans, as if the very thunder was speaking to her. "You will defeat us? I could crush you with a single paw."

Warrior Eevees #1: The Storm of FireWhere stories live. Discover now