25- Into the Storm

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Two days later, Emmy stood on Rogue's back. His talons dug into the earthen ridge at the border of the storm they had been following. And what a storm it was, the sky was pitch black and full of swirling, ragged clouds. Thunder roared near-constantly, lightning leaped from sky to ground or cloud to cloud like Vaporeon playing in the lake. The air shook and trembled and carried the metallic smell of electricity. The wind in Emmy's fur told her terrifying stories about this storm. It raged and flew without ceasing, tearing and igniting the land beneath it. The cloud bank was many miles wide, full of murderous winds that only the most talented flying Pokémon could make it through without being struck by the flying lightning.

And through it all, there was absolutely no rain. Small fires raced across whatever dry earth was unfortunate enough to have fallen beneath the lightning. The wind howled and threw the flames and sparks much further than they would have otherwise traveled, roaring with the storm's fury. Rogue's wings were trembling.

"I can do it," he insisted. "I'll fly above the clouds."

Meteor's huge face was worried, too. His wings were held tight to his body, as the second they opened, the wind tried to snatch him from where he stood.

"No, you won't," Derrick said through gritted teeth. "Those clouds are too high up to breathe above."

"So, what do we do?" Duchess wailed.

She was brave and really, earnestly tried her hardest, but she knew almost nothing about the hunting or battling, much less Type advantages or Abilities, both of which would have to come into play now.

"I'll have to do it," Derrick said uncomfortably. "Lightning can't hurt a Ground-Type like me. I'll take Emmy because she can speak human, and what's his name, Rush. Your Ability is Volt Absorb, right?"

"My what?"

"Electric-Type attacks heal you, don't they?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"That is the Ability Volt Absorb. That's what humans call it, anyway. You'll have to go with me and Emmy, to try to draw some of the Electric-Type energy away from her."

Rush nodded bravely.

"I can do it," he said.

"This is stupid," Shine growled. "The whole point of sending Pokémon from every Tribe was to make a case to Raikou."

"We still might need you," Emmy informed her. "If I can't convince him to come back with us, I'll ask him to speak to all of us together."

"I still don't like it," Shine lashed her tail in annoyance.

"Nobody likes it," Sycamore was kneading the ground with his claws, his ears flattened. "I resist Electric-Type attacks, is it okay if I go, too?"

"Better not," Derrick said. "I understand that you and Emmy are close, but the fewer passengers I have to carry, the more maneuverable I'll be."

Rogue looked as distraught as Sycamore.

"I know you're right," he admitted. "I just... I really don't like it."

"I really don't like it either," Derrick assured him.

It was a miserable landscape they stood upon. One of the little meadows sandwiched between the seemingly endless mountains and ocean, torn to shreds by the fury of the winds, the grass flattened to the earth, battered leaves and muddy flower pedals swirling by as the passing storm tossed them aside.

Compared to Rogue's thick, warm feathers, Derrick's scales were smooth and frigid when Emmy and Rush climbed aboard. The big green dragon turned his head back to look at them.

Warrior Eevees #1: The Storm of FireWhere stories live. Discover now