29- The Rainbringer

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The second the group's attacks struck the statue, it simply exploded, liquifying into bright blue light that shot into the sky like a beacon. A wind swept from the north, piercing their fur with cold and bringing with it the wet scent of storm clouds. A moment later, rain was beating at the temple, soaking them all to the skin. It felt hot there on the mountainside, rain without snow or sleet mixed in.

She's here.

Emmy turned her nose up to the clouds, suddenly understanding what was happening.

Sure enough, the shape of a Legendary Pokémon shimmered in the rain, that invisible presence with glittering spots made of sheets of rain and flowing tails that were in the shape of the wind. But for once, Emmy did not feel afraid in the presence of such a powerful Pokémon.

A moment later, she was fading into view, becoming perceivable. She was a beautiful creature, a blue feline Pokémon with dazzling white spots and a huge crystal upon her forehead, flowing white tails, and the billowing rain clouds contained on her back were a rich purple when the light glanced off of them.

Nevertheless, Emmy couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She had nothing to rival Raikou's massive fangs or Entei's raw muscle, and this form seemed smaller than those of the other two. There was still that feeling of massive, restrained power before her, but this power was not the destructive force the other two Legendry Pokémon were using to tear the land apart.

"But do you really need more destruction?" her voice, too, was like the rain, an almost songlike quality to it as she responded to Emmy's thoughts.

"You can talk?" Rush's ears pricked up and he leapt to his paws.

Suicune spoke the language of common Pokémon, Emmy noticed, now that it had been pointed out. Suicune laughed and ducked her head to them, the polite greeting that the Eeveelutions shared.

"Yes, Rush of the Plains Tribe, I can," she confirmed.

"Whoa, she knows my name," he pointed out to Shine.

Shine looked much less impressive soaked, her thick fluffy pelt slicked to her body and heavy with water, but she growled nevertheless.

"Never fear, Shine of the Sand Tribe," Suicune purred to her. "I wish you and your Tribe no harm. I believe that is why you have summoned me here."

"Yes, we really need your help!" Sycamore burst out. "Raikou and Entei are destroying everything, and Entei wants to make a Storm of Fire burn the land down, and I don't even know what Raikou wants-"

Suicune shook her huge head.

"Yes, my brothers," she sighed. "They want nothing more than to beat each other to win territory. This was once my land, before Raikou challenged me, you know. I chose to leave peacefully, for fear of hurting what was the very beginning of the Lake Tribe at the time."

Aqua blinked up at her, his orange eyes suddenly bright with interest.

"You did that for us?"

"Yes, Aqua. And I am pleased to see the Lake Tribe still thriving."

"It might not for long," he pointed out. "If one of your brothers has his way."

Suicune turned to face the horrible cloud below them, that storm of destruction and terror.

"Follow me," she said. "We must speak, but we mustn't waste time. Obsidian, thank you for your service, but I believe your task ends here."

"Thank goodness," the Absol muttered, and was gone in a moment.

Suicune turned back to the gathered Pokémon and sat. Even sitting, she was so much taller than all of them, her tails rippling along the smooth floor.

"So, you'll help us?" Duchess asked hopefully.

Warrior Eevees #1: The Storm of FireWhere stories live. Discover now