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(Time skip - Minji POV)

It was the third day of the spring tournament.

And our team was in the finals.

Y/n and her team were at the benches, getting ready for their match, they were playing five games with sets up to 25 points.

It would be a tiring match and since Y/n is team captain, she had to be playing for the whole game.

While she was stretching, I managed to make eye contact with her. Sending her a sweet smile before beckoning her to come over quickly.

She sat up and looked around quickly, probably looking for her coach, before she stood up and made her way to me.

"What do you need, my love?" Y/n smiled, pulling me in close by my hips.

"I just wanted to say a few things before you played." I replied simply.

"Hmm okay..." She nodded, "can I kiss you first?" Y/n tilted her head.

"Do you even need to ask?" I laughed as she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine.

We heard cheering and chanting come from the bleachers across the court, I could just about understand what they were chanting. To no surprise they were shouting both our names.

Y/n kissed me deeply as I wrapped my arms around her neck, bringing a smile to her lips before she pulled away.

"So? What did you want to say?" Y/n looked at me fondly.

"I wanted to wish you good luck," I smiled, "and if you ever need some strength, just look over to me and you'll find it." I pecked her lips, "I'm so proud and happy with how far you've made it, and I'm willing to support you forever."

"I love you." Y/n whispered.

"I love you too," I replied sweetly, "I have one more thing before you go." I reach into my pocket and hold out a good luck charm to her.

"Oh Minji," Y/n smiled, a small blush gracing her cheeks, "you are my good luck charm." Y/n cupped my face.

Her words and actions made me flustered, the heat quickly rising up to my face. My face began to feel warm as she smiled at me.

"But I will happily take this," she nodded, taking the charm from my hands, "and this..."

Y/n whispered before leaning in to kiss me again. I couldn't help but melt under her touch, she kissed me slowly, her hands gently gripping my waist as I kissed her back.

Y/n softly bit my lip, leaving a lingering feeling on my lips as she pulled away. Her warm eyes staring into mine.

"Thank you Minji, I'll put this to good use." Y/n smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled back at her before we heard her coach calling her over.

"Park!! Stop being lovey dovey and come here!!" He called out to Y/n.

"I think I should go..." Y/n laughed.

"Go ahead," I nodded, pecking her lips once more before she ran off.

(Narrator POV)

It was the finals and the first game had just begun.

SNU was ahead by 2 points for the game, it was currently 10:8 to SNU, but they still had a long way to go in order to win the first game.

The team fought hard together against the opposing team, the rally had been going on for such a long time, everyone began to get tired.

"Y/n!!" Yujin called out the their team captain in desperation as she managed to hit the ball up.

As the ball flew in her direction, Y/n watched it intently, timing her jump right so she could land a perfect hit on the ball.

"It's perfect." Y/n whispered to herself as she jumped for the ball.

Y/n gathered her strength and spiked the ball over the net, heading directly to the floor.

Once she landed, she watched as several opponents tried to dive for the ball, but in the end, the missed the ball.

"Good point Y/n!!" The coach commended from the benches.

The celebrated as the rally was finally over, SNU's team gaining more much needed confidence and motivation to carry on playing the game.

(A Few Hours Later - Narrator POV)

SNU was currently tied up with their opponents, the set points were 2:2.

Meaning that they had one more full game to play and decide the overall winner.

You could only imagine the amount of pressure that they felt. Prior to this, they had just lost the last game, by 2 points.

It was an unfortunate turn of events for SNU, and by now, their spirits were nearly crushed.

Y/n had just come back to her team after a short talk with the coach.

"Everyone, are you ready for the last match?" Y/n asked her team, who were all sitting on the bench, completely exhausted.

Y/n took note of the lack of enthusiasm in her teammates. The wasn't letting this happen, especially when this is the game that matters the most right now.

"I know. I know how tired you all are, but imagine how good it will feel when we get to lift that trophy, when you can get back home and tell your parents or whoever is there that you won." Y/n spoke, catching the attention of her teammates.

"We have no excuses to lose this game when we've made it this far." Y/n said in the hopes that they would regain their energy, "all of you, get up, let's win this." Y/n beckoned her teammates over to her.

One by one, they stood up and gathered in a circle.

"Now I want to hear the energy because clearly you were lacking it earlier!" Y/n joked, making her teammates laugh.

Y/n could see signs of energy and enthusiasm once more, a spark of determination in each of their eyes.

"That's what I like to see!"

- Written By Dest1iny

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