Chapter 14

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    Chapter 14

I sit my lunch tray down on the table in the crowded, bright , and  loud lunchroom by Abigal. I pull out the red chair and sit down exhausted.

"wow you look tired." Abigal says munching on  some of her French fries while looking at my face.

"really? thanks Abigal I appreciate that." I say sarcastically. the open my water and take a sip.

"wow grumpy much?" she says

"very much."

"well tell aunt Abigal all of what happened." Abigal said patting her leg as if to say take a seat.

"nothing really its just of what happed yesterday." I said

"what happened yesterday?'

"in class..." I say

"which class?" Abigal says not obvious to the fact I'm talking about history

"Mrs.Perice class also know as history."



"well what happened in there?" she said facing my eating her chocolate pudding. I smack my forehead. This girl has to drive her mother crazy. I Thought to myself.

"Will getting upset over Zach and I."

"oh yeah he was overreacting for nothing. I mean it's not like ya'll are dating or any thing so what does it matter to him."

"I don't know." I stated my head in my hands.

"unless.." Abigal said

"unless what?'' I say rising my head up looking at my best friend questioningly.  

"unless he likes you." she said with a satisfied smile on her face.

" no he couldn't. we are just friends."

"well maybe he wants to be more thank JUST friends."

"no he doesn't. I mean he doesn't even look at me like that."

''girl you are bling to the fact that that man wants you to be his girl.''

"we never started talking until we got partnered up for the project."

''we'll then take that opportunity to ask him."

"I have a boyfriend."

"yeah and its not going to hurt if you ask a FRIEND if they like you or not."

"ok fine ill ask but its not like he's going to say yes." I said .Will is going to say no because. Well because he is Will Clackston and Will Clackston does not like people like not his type of girl. I mean will has to say no. Right?


Will and I were sitting on my bed with paper's strowed everywhere like usual. I could hardly concentrate though because I only had one thing on my mind and that was to ask will if he liked me. I looked up at will to see him looking over a paper of notes we had token for the project. You could tell he was really concentrating by the look on his face. He was humming a Bruno Mars song. I picked up on the song and where the lyrics would go then started to sing.

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea. I'll sail the world to find you. If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see.I'll be the light to guide you." I sung and I saw him look up from the paper with a smile upon his face.

"no I don't." I said blushing and turn my head looking towards my computer.

"ok then you don't.' he said and I picked up a pillow and hit him with it.

" Ahh abuse help me!!" he screamed playfully

"shut up you asshole." I said and pushed him a little and we just laughed. After the laughter stopped he look at me as if he was thinking. well it was now or never to ask. Breath Hayley. Just breath.

"Will?" I ask and he shot his head up a little as if snapping out of a daydream. Well here goes nothing.


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