Chapter 11

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                                                                 Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"so i heard that you and Zach went out to the movies over the weekend." Will said as we scrolled through the information on our laptops.

"where did you hear that?"i ask

"just around"

"around where?"


"oh.hey this one sounds interesting" i said and show him one of the many facts that are able to be placed into our project.

The game between teams from Rutgers College (now Rutgers University) and the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) took place on November 6, 1869 at College Field in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

"yeah sounds good. but we need to pick out a team to do our project on."

"what do you have in mind."

um well... i was kindia thinking well..

"well... what?"


"your a 'bama fan!"

"what wrong with alabma."


"hey..wait please dont tell me your an aburn fan."

"whats wrong with aburn?"

"well aburn university team su--"

"don't hate" i tell him

"Alabama's is better"

"no there not."

"yes they are."


"auburn sucks."he said and that's all it took.i grabbed the spiral notebook that had all the note for the project in it and hit him with it.will just rolled back on my bed laughing.

"now say auburn is better and Alabama sucks."

"fine..Alabama is better and auburn sucks."will says will a grin plastered on his beautiful face.

i quickly straddled him and hit him with the notebook on his arm.will grabbed it and threw it on the ground.I hadn't noticed but our lips were inches apart.i leaned in and so did heand our fore heads met.i put my hands in his hair as he wrapped his arms around me.i twisted my head Little as he followed my movement and right when our lips were about to touch the door slammed open.i rolled off of him and there stood Lilly in the door way.

"holy macaroni"Lilly said mouth hanging open.troy walked past the open door and looked in.he shook his head.

"i don't even want to know."he said and walked on downstairs.

"what do you want lilly?"i ask

"um wills mom wants him.shes waiting outside."

"ugh the meeting."will said as if he totally forgot.

Lilly left the room skipping down the stairs.

"ill see ya later Will." i said as i opened the front door for him

"see you soon Hayley" Will said and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

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