Chapter 4

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                Chapter 4

finally it almost the end of the day!i have been through so much today.i know you must think I'm exaggerating,but I'm not.the whole school know that the new hot transfer student had choose me over Brooke smith.naturally Brooke thought that Zach would come sit beside her,but boy was she wrong.hey,i even thought he was going to sit beside her.wouldn't you?

 I walk into world history ignoring everyone's stares.I take my seat quietly before I turn my head to see will's empty seat beside mine.I stare at it for a moment before I'm broken out of my trance by the sound of the classroom door being slammed.I turn to find out the cause of it.I look with wide eyes to see Will storming in with an agitated and angry face,but as i look a little closer I see a little bit of carenees.will walks over and plops down in his seat.I watch as he take takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh.he turns his head to look at me and gives me a soft smile.I smile back then advert my eyes to the front where Ms.Perice is trying to get everyone attention.when everyone is listening to her she starts talking about our football game coming up and other anouncmentsthat needed to be made and have been by every class we have went to today.

"oh also class don't forget that your history project is not going to be worked on in class.It is also 40% of your grade,so I would get started working on it."Ms.Peirce states,"now lets get started..we are taking lots of notes today so i suggest you listen carefully and write everything i write down and say unless you want a big zero on your next upcoming test."

at that note i take out my spiral notebook and flip to the closest blank page.I whip out my lucky green pen and start taking notes.About halfway through class my hand starts to ache from all the writing I'm having to do.all of sudden see a note hit my desk I quickly grab it and read it when ms.Perice has her back turned which is most of the time.

  so my place tomorrow? ;) -will

I smile big and shake my head.I decided to step up the little game he is starting to make.

sure lets say about seven and I'll bring red!xo;)

i hand the note back to hm.after i let go of it and its into his hands he begins to unfold it with a smirk on his face.all of the courage i just had,washed away and i think 'what have i just done?'he reads it and his jaw dropped open and his eyes get wide.i guess he registered the last part at the end.he then places the paper flat on his desk and starts to write a reply and smirks real big before folding it back up and handing it over to me.I was a little scare to open it but went ahead any way.

OK sweet thing 'll go pick up some condom's today.;);)oooxooo

"WHAT!!!!" i scream loud and the whole class turns to see whats wrong.

"MissMarshall is there something wrong that's making you disrupt my class"ms.Pierce says crossing her the left of me,Will stifles a laugh,but fails horribley.

"no ma'm" i say quietly

"would you stop talking in my class then"

"yes ma'm"i tell her and with that Ms.Perice turn around to write some More notes onto the board.

"you idiot,you almost got us in big trouble''i turn to will and say

"i think you mean that you almost got in trouble"

"oh why you.."i say and will raises one of his eyebrows challengeing me.

"youre such a ..'

"a what?"

"a snobby,popular jock,stuck up rich kid,who has  people falling at his feet when he walks by,and ecpects girl to fall for him with that....look!"i say frustrated and angry.

"what..look?'' will ask with humor in his voice.

"you know."

"um no i don't."he says trying to find the fact he dose.

"!"i say getting agitated i bet you could see steam coming out of my ears.i give him a angry look.he just smiles at me and chuckled.his body shakes slightly from the laughter coming out of his beautiful soft lips.I smack my head.stop thinking about that Hayley,i silently tell myself.

"why are you laughing at me...stop it!"I wisp her yell at him

"your so cute when your angry." he says

i go to say something back at him but am stopped by Ms.Perice.

"why are you talking again Hayley"she says while tapping her foot obviously waiting for an answer.

"Ms. Perice its not me who was talking."

"well i saw you talking but if it wasn't you who was."

"well you see will here...."

"don't even start blaming this on will hes a good kid Hayley and doesn't need you bringing him down with you."

"but i...he...talking.."

"detention miss Marshall"

"what for?"i snap back

"well for one talking back to a teacher and I'm adding on 30 more minutes for snapping me."she says and goes back to teaching.

"yeah Hayley I'm a good kid.'i hear will say.I turn to look at him and give him a dirty look.I shake my head and put it down on my desk.i run my fingers through my hair and pull on it before i let out a fusterated sigh.Will is gonna get it.

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