Chapter 2

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Fourth pov

I couldn't stop staring at him. No matter how hard I tried to tear my eyes away from him. I just couldn't. It's like my brain and whole body  couldn't leave his stare while trying to find out the how he was my mate and was also looking for a hint that this whole thing was wrong. He was doing the same staring straight at me as I try to read his face which wasn't giving me anything

"A man....."

"You don't need to remind me. I can clearly see him" I mutter

I am not gay.

I don't like boys

I have never thought of being intimate with a man and I don't think I can

This is a mistake. I believe the moon goddess must be trying to punish me for calling her a bitch which she clearly was

The proof is right here

I was in the office with My dad, my mom,the elders,marly and him who was sitting in front of me for some reason

"This has never happened before" an elder voice seeps through the silent room "we have never seen two male alpha mates in the history of werewolves"

"How is this possible?" My dad asks in disbelief "they are both alphas" he says as he pace anxiously "how will this even work?"


"This doesn't make any sense" my mom says "they'll need to have children for the packs to survive"


We literally just met for the second time ever

"Why would the moon goddess do this?" Dad asks

"We don't know but you can't question her decision" another elder says

"What will happen to the packs.....will they have to merge it.." dad trails "you guys say something" he strains like he was the one frustrated here

I don't know what to say. I am still trying to process this whole thing. A male is my mate. An alpha. This is so wrong. I can't even think of the possibility of this working out and rejection is out of it. I can't reject him,we are both alphas. The pack is in our hands

"I need..... I need space" I say for the first time since we arrive here standing up from my chair as his eyes followed my movement "I need to think about.... About all of this, this is just.... I can't even. I need to leave" I sigh seeing his eyes twitch as I move past him. I felt his stare piercing my skin as I make my way to the door

"Son y-

"Dad I can't deal with this right now. I really can't" I cut him off as he sighs nodding his head. I look at marly who had her face down before looking at the boy who had a look of sadness for a spilt second before it was gone. Without another word I leave the room closing the door behind me

A scream of agony immediately escapes my lips as a tidal wave of misery hit me as soon as I close the door. My wolf cries of discomfort haunting me as my body was stuck in a state of painful paralysis. I felt my heart beat slowing as my lungs screams for air,I tried to take a step forward but it just made it ten times worst. The blood within felt like acid throughout my body,I could feel something crawling towards me trying to escape as I stood there in distress.

Fighting the pain,I turn around, slowly opening the door,my eyes find him on the standing in the same state as everyone surrounds him panicking. Our eyes meet as we both seem to be released from it at the sight of each other. As if acting on its own my body runs towards him as he takes me into his arms immediately. The unfamiliar feeling of electricity invades my weakened veins as our skin touch immediately restoring my health. I hug him back almost instantly the feeling growing tenfold as I bury my face in his neck inhaling his intoxicating scent like my life depends on it. He did the same as he kept his hand gripping my waist tightly.

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