Chapter 5

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Gemini pov

A mate.

I have a mate.

I have a soulmate.

Someone that accepted me.

Someone that would hopefully love me

I stare at the boy who was sleeping soundly on my bed, the sight giving me a feeling I've seen on most people but never have I ever experienced till this moment. I couldn't put a name to it but it made my insides flutter

My cheeks hurts from how my lips was curled as my eyes trails his face capturing every details Incase they disappear, his long lashes resting on his upper cheeks, his full plump lips, the small mole that fit perfectly on him. I stay entranced laying face to face just staring at my perfectly fine mate fighting the urge to touch his face as my fingers linger on the air instead

This is real, not a dream. I'm seeing my mate right in front of me,he is within my arm reach.


He is perfect

A knock interrupts my staring making me frown. I didn't want to stop staring but I also don't want to weird him out waking up to see me staring cause I know for sure I won't be stopping any time soon.

Painfully pulling my eyes away from him I stood up to open the door, already knowing who it was by the sound of the knock

"Alpha, the papers are ready" Mark says quite loudly as I shush him pointing to my sleeping mate "I'm sorry"

"Come in quietly" I mutter, he nods literally tiptoeing beside me as I roll my eyes at his action

My office and room are attached to each other it's just a door that separates it but people doesn't use my room to enter the office there is another door for entrance, that's for the pack members

"So everything is set?" I question sitting on my chair. My body tingles to be close to my mate, the proximity wasn't much but the pain was still there

"Yes the constructors are ready to go, I just need you to sign this,this and this" he points

"How many buildings?"

"40 in total,thirty with seven stories each and in those stories there's going to be eight flats.... Or was it apartment he said" he drawls skeptically before shaking his head "I'm sure it's apartments while the other ten is for mates. I spoke to fourth dad and he said they don't have much mated couples just 60 pair" he finishes smiling widely

"Ok" I mutter signing on whatever he said "when are they starting?"

"Tomorrow and would probably end in a month"

I nod giving him back the papers "is that all?"

"Yep" he nods going to leave from my room door

"Uh uh" I tick, he pauses turning skeptically "this way" I point to the main door

"Possessive much" he huffs rolling his eyes

"Yes very much"

He gave me his famous side eyes as he walks out through the main door. I just roll my eyes going back to my mate with a smile on my face, my eyes catches the hickey on his neck making my smile widen feeling some sense of pride knowing I was the one that put that there. I got carried away, I should've controlled myself but I couldn't his scent was so intriguing. I just hope he won't be mad seeing it

Taking his bag I went to the closet to arrange them, After a while of arranging his close to mine I look at my stand with a sigh, the difference was so clear mine was just a few clothes,you could count them and they were black,brown and white while his were flashy bright colors, looking at both stands I decided to mix them cause it would make my own look less saddened but my hands paused midway as I was about to take his.

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