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… (A/N whenever you see this dots, just know the chapter will be set in the past. I.E What has already happened)

Gemini 8 years
Fourth 5 years


Fourth pov

"Have you set the bags?" Mama questions dad who nods carrying somethings. I was watching my mom rushing here and there showing me something was going on. I was on the bed with a lollipop staring wide eyed at her


"Yes honey...." she replies not looking at me


"Honey.... Your father and I have a meeting to attend" she says turning to me with a smile

"Wolfie duty?"

"Yes wolfie duty" she chuckles patting my cheeks "We are going to be gone until tomorrow" she says making me frown pouting slightly as she sighs kissing my cheeks "Grandma is here for you and we stocked the fridge with everything you need honey. Your favourites"

"But I want to go with you....." I groan as she sighs "namma won't let me eat the snacks!"

"Should I go get them for you so you can put it under your pillow? Huh?" she did that winky thing she always do whenever she wants me to smile. I smile as I nod profusely "I'll be back" she kissed my forehead before leaving me

They are leaving again. The voice in my head whispered — I am your Wolfie not the voice and for the 1,2,3,4,5....uhh to the last number in the world, My name is mile

I ignore him looking at my fallen tree, the tree I broke into two because namma refused to give me snacks but like it said they are leaving again

— Hey!

Mama and papa isn't always at home, I see them twice or once a week. I don't know where they always go to and leave me here with namma

"Fourth honey...... Here are your snacks" Mama came back with a bag full of snacks placing on the table "if they don't fit under the pillow hide it under the bed"

"Bugs are under bed" I frown as she laughs squeezing my cheeks "aww!"

"You're so cute honey!"

"Rine are you ready?" Dad asks coming inside the room coming over to us

"Yep babe" she replies as she smiles at me "We are going now honey. See you" she kissed my head multiple times "I'll miss you, take care"

"Bye mama" I mutter frowning as I look away from them

"Oh buddy you are going to make us feel bad" Dad says patting my head "we are going to be back tomorrow"

"That's what you said the last time" I argue

"We're sorry" Dad says kissing my head "I promise we will be forever together when all this is over. Promise"

"We love you Fourth" Mom says "Just know that we love you so much"

"Love you too" I mutter turning away from them not wanting to watch them go. Something I've gotten used too but hated, they have been leaving me in namma house since I start to know words. In a month I see them four times or if I'm lucky six

"Bye honey..... We love you" I heard but didn't turn as I felt them stay for a while probably waiting for me to say something back but I didn't. I wait for them to leave before turning with a sigh

—How about.... We go play bricks?"

The voice has always been here, it speaks like it actually understand and know me. I didn't understand what it was until mama told me I was a wolfie same as her, papa and namma. Sometimes it helps me whenever I'm bored and when I somewhat need someone to talk to

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