Chapter 14

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Gemini pov

"Why am I giving you a piggyback ride again?" I question faking a exhausted sigh to fourth who peck my cheeks while wiggling his legs

"Cause you like me" he replies. I shake my head not replying as I walk down the stairs carrying my grown mate on my back

One moment I was standing waiting for him to finish dressing, the next he jumped on my back demanding a piggyback ride and who was I to say no. He seems to love when I carried him

Smiling to myself I spin us around once we arrived down the stairs as he yells in surprise gripping my shoulders


"What?" I chuckle slightly doing it again but this time he laughs wholeheartedly hooking his legs around my waist. I continued spinning us around loving the amount of joy emitting off him which was bringing one to me "Sometimes I forget you are just eighteen" I chuckle stopping for a while

"Hey! I'm an adult"

"Still a kid" I shrug swinging him one more time before walking to the living room

"But I wasn't a kid yesterday night was i or this morning....." He mutters slightly biting my ear sending pleasure down my spine "Your moan-"

"Let's not" I clear my throat trying to stop our yesterday foreplay that was resurfacing in my head. He chuckle pecking my already redden cheeks

"Fouahhh! Fouuhhh!" He mimicks kissing my neck "Ah-"

"Fine! Enough!" I exclaim embarrassed as he laughs like this was the most funniest shit ever "you really like teasing me don't you?"

"Guilty" he states "we are going out today"


"Too dance" he says making me pause my movement

"A date?"

"Hmm" he hums as excitement rushes through me

"So.....what have you planned for me baby?" I question smiling widely

"You just have to wait and see love" he replies "you'll never expe-" he cuts himself off by what we saw. I stared wide eyed at my sister who was being spined down and making out with her mate on the table. For someone that doesn't want this relationship marly was putting her all into the kiss


"Didn't expect that" I mutter "should we uhh....."

"I think we should"

"Gemini!" I heard my name as soon as I turned to leave as we both let out a sigh, my sister rushes to us like she was grateful to see us while her mate was staring like she would bury us six feet under "Good morning Fourth"

"Morning marly....."

"Hi...." I smiled apologically to Leila who rolled her eyes "well good morning to you"

"You can put me down now" Fourth says which I did clearing my throat at the silence that follows after. No one said a word,marly was literally hiding at fourth back peaking at her mate who was squeezing the table cloth

It was awkward but I understand what Leila is feeling. Everyone could see marly has been trying to avoid this relationship

"So uhhh...." I trail

"You are running away again" Leila says "When are you going to stop this?"

"It's not that easy!" Marly yells startling fourth as he slowly moves to my side "I didn't even know when you kis-

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