Chapter 13

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Gemini pov

I stare at my mate who hasn't said a word since that sentence left my lips and now I'm thinking I shouldn't have

He pulls completely from me moving four feet away as he stares blankly into space probably talking with his wolf or cussing me out,I stay quiet watching him as I rub my palms. I don't know what I was expecting after saying that but I didn't want him to find out from another person who Sam was supposed to be

I never once agreed to this compatible mate thing but it's a duty as an alpha to give an heir to the pack, Sam was the one that was compatible enough to carry my pups according to ford. Seeing her mate was dead, her being with me wasn't a problem but that's all gone now

I have my mate. The only one I want to spend my life with

"Bab-" I was cut off as he puts his hand up for me to keep quiet which I did clasping my lips and everything

"So I was the second option?" He questions after a while making my eyes widen

"What? No! Never!"

"You have already planned to ma-" he cut himself off with a sigh, although he tries to hide it I could see how hurt this made him and it kills me knowing I was the reason

"Fourth......" I trail softly going to touch him but he moves away making me shallow the lump I felt on my throat from his action as my heart squeeze itself "I-I didn't agree to it.....and there's no point of it anymore Fourth I only have you.... I want only you"

He doesn't say anything just sat on the couch with a hurtful expression that was breaking my heart


He sighs after a while of him just staring straight before laying on the couch as he closes his eyes turning his face away from me. I slowly walk over to him, standing and playing with my feet with heavy heart when he doesn't acknowledge me being near

Of course he won't you have hurt him twice in a span of ten minutes.

How awful am I?

"Gem I need you to be at least ten feet away from me" he strains not opening his eyes

"I can't....." I trail shaking my head not that he could see me "I'm sorry" He doesn't say anything just stayed still like he'd be asleep

After a while, I move closer until my feet was touching the couch when he didn't react I sat down taking his hand in mine which he instantly pulled it away like it'd burn him


"Gemini I need space" he mutters still not opening his eyes but I did the opposite, laying on him "Gemini get off me!" He tries pushing me off but I did not bulge hiding my face in his neck "Gem get off!" He continues as I try placing small kisses to stop his effort which worked cause his hands pushing me becomes sloppy "G-Gemini...."

"I'm sorry" I whisper letting my lips linger there not stopping my kisses on the same spot. A spot that seems to be a center of his sweetness and the place I'd mark soon

"S-stop that" his words totally different from his action as he leans into my kisses making me smile

My finger cradles his neck, rubbing softly at the nape of him as he whines with each feather-like caress

"Fourth..... That's all in the past now" I whisper letting my lips brush his neck "I didn't even agree to it fourth.... I wanted nothing more than to have a mate.... To have you, I didn't want to even think of being intimate with someone that wasn't my mate but the pac-"

"I know" he sighs making me raise my head up to look at him for me to see him sulking "it just hurts..... I don't even want to....... Imagine you being with someone else" he says before looking at me pouting slightly

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