Chapter 10

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Fourth Pov

Soft fluttering kisses tingles my face pulling me out of unconsciousness, a smile makes it's way to my face as my eyes snap open to see the culprit so close,staring down at me with a big smile on his face. I hum as he runs his fingers on my hair

"Heard waking your lover up with kisses brighten their day......" He mutters rubbing his nose on mine as my heart skip a bit from the affection

Great way to wake up

—Whatever. Miles huffs whilst yawning

"Good morning to you mile" he just twitch his ear not replying

"You missed here" I say pointing to my lips which was immediately covered by his causing shivers down my spine,it lingers for a while before he pulls away "Good morning Gem...."

"Well afternoon" he says


"It's afternoon...."he mutters putting his chin on my chest "we have nothing to do anyways. Let's just stay indoors"

"You're just lazy"

"I'm not!" He defends "I just want to stay here with you...."

"I just want to stay here with you..." Mile mimicks with a scoff—Rubbish.

"Mile...." I trail in amusement watching as I see the small teasing smirk he had on before he disappeared. I sigh looking at the boy who was staring up at me intrigued for whatever reason, I block mile off knowing he'd be pissed I say this but I couldn't bare it

"Gem your wolf....." I start "Your wolf doesn't want to speak with Mile" I say as the smile on my mate face disappeared instantly making me frown "Mile has tried speaking with him but no effort..... is something wrong?"

"I can't...." He trails after a while of him just staring at me "I don't speak to him also" he finishes with a sigh as my eyes widen in surprise "Communicating with him is....uhm.....Hard"

"What do you mean?"

"My wolf..... Should I say he doesn't speak?" He questions to himself before shaking his head "I don't know.... the first time I heard him speak was on your birthday......" He smiles weakly "Not sure if he is listening tho but if he is he should suck it up and try speaking with his mate" he chuckles slightly although he tries to hide it but I could notice the pain behind his chuckle

I have questions, lot of them but do I ask them now,is this the right time?

He doesn't look like he wants to talk about it and I don't think I can bare him try to hide his pain talking about it but what's so painful talking about your wolf, why can't he talk..... what's going on...... It was all at the tip of my tongue.

I should be patient but how long is it going to take

"He should..." I mutter rubbing his hair as his genuine smile returns again bringing one to my face "Up"

"No!" He groans closing his eyes like he wants to go back to sleep "I want to stay here!


"Nooooo" he groans throwing tantrums like a kid as he shakes his head rubbing it on my chest. I sigh ignoring the pleasurable feeling I felt from his actions

"You're twenty one....." I trail as he stops instantly rolling his eyes

"Whatever" he scoffs pulling away from my body "you're twenty one" he mocks swatting his head to the other side as I raised my brows in amusement at his sass "I know!" He huffs

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