chapter 8

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Fourth pov

I don't think it's normal for my heart to be racing the way it was.

It's wasn't asif anything alarming was going on or anything terrifying. I was sitting in front of my mate as he chews nonchalantly like those words didn't come out of his pretty lips

"Hmm?" I hum wanting him to say it again even though I heard it clearly the first time

"Can I take you on a d-date?" He repeat nervously finally looking at me as I gulp watching his eyes full with hope "you can refuse.... I mean you don't have to.... it's not a must you should accept... I just want to have a dinn- you know what.... forget everything I just said. Let's just eat" he ramble clearing his throat looking away

"Okay" I mutter as he sighs his face looking asif he was cussing himself inside "I meant okay let's go on a date" his head snaps towards me in surprise as I smile softly at him, he stares at me probably waiting for me to say sike



"On a scale of one to ten how sure are you?"

"Do you want me to say no?" I question in amusement watching as he hurriedly shakes his head

"No. No. I'm just....." He trails "wow....Let's go on a date"

"Are you guys going to acknowledge me here any time soon?" Mark questions making me realize it wasn't just us here "I have been standing here for ten minutes"

"Right..... Mark you were saying?" Gemini asks as I chuckle at the look on disbelief on mark's face

My heart was doing that annoying lurching fluttering thing as I watch my mate talk with mark. I wasn't expecting that question but also expecting it at the same time if you understand what I mean.

Gemini and I has gotten pretty close since he showed me that heaven a week ago, pretty close I mean cuddling to sleep which I have gotten to love, attentive talkings, going on night walks and I couldn't help the way my heart flutters at those moments especially the cuddling, it felt good and I couldn't denial having him in my grasp was the best feeling ever

—you are falling for your 'male' mate. Mile annoying voice told me what I already knew

"I-I know dumbass"

—Just wanted to say it. He chides —I swear last week you were cussing the moon goddess, what happened to that?

"She's still a bitch tho"

—what happened to 'i don't want a male mate' huh that feelings came to fast

I ignore him knowing he was right. I didn't know when it started but I was going head fast into a hurricane that was Gemini.

My male mate.

I haven't felt this way for anyone I mean anyone,it's like all those times I had flings and dates was nothing compared to how Gemini makes me feel.

No offense to marly

It's just shocking on how much he affects me. How he makes me feel. It was unexpected but in my defense one week is enough to fall heels for someone especially when that person is with you every second of the day.

I blame the goddess

but is this what having a mate does?

Since we woke up I've caught him stare at me several times like he wants to say something but when I question he doesn't say anything and just continue whatever he was doing. Then boom, when I wasn't expecting those words he decided to blurt out while we were eating, right in front his parents who just entered the dinning room,marly and mark.

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