Chapter 3

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Fourth pov

(I know.... Where's Gemini pov? Wait your asses. Love them tho)

My eyes slowly flickers as I awake from my amazing slumber,I really slept through an entire night without waking,It was as if I was in a eternal state of rest that felt beyond incredible. I sigh pressing more into the comfortableness as my eyes immediately snap open feeling something ticklish under my chin before everything thing came flashing

Right..... My mate

My eyes widen in surprise seeing the position we were in,his body wrapped around me like parasitic vines. His arms was interwined tightly around me and his legs tangle with my own while his head was beneath my chin as he slept comfortably like a baby cuddling a pillow. There was literally no space between us as I try to make a few move to pull away not wanting to wake him but he just held me tighter.

My eyes trails his face as they narrow seeing a small bud piece on his ear, it looks like it was attached to him but not giving much mind to it, I Sigh in defeat deciding to wait for him to wake up.

I don't know why,I would have pushed him away to wake him up but he looks peaceful and I don't want to be that type of person. Not that I care being that type of person to him,I just can't push him. I blame the bond

"Sure...." My wolf drawls

"Well good morning to you" I rolled my eyes

"I can't feel his wolf" my wolf mutters making me frown in confusion as I look down on the sleeping boy

"What do you mean?"

"I can't feel him at all,it's like he doesn't have one"

"Was it like this yesterday?"

"Nope. I felt him yesterday but today...."

"Maybe it's because he's asleep" I suggest as the said boy moves his head to my neck,his breath tickle the side of my neck sending every single cell in my being highwire

"Maybe but it's strange..." He drawls skeptically before disappearing while I gulp feeling Gemini's hand run gently down my back making me shiver lightly,my reaction made him snuggle into me more as he murmurs to himself burying his nose to my neck

Ok time to abort this cuddling section. Maybe I was falling way into this mate bullshit

"Hey! Wake up" I tap his shoulders but my action didn't move him "Gemini!" He only grumbles pressing into me more as my breathing jagged with pleasurable waves that flows through my entire being from his body rubbing against mine "Wake up!!" I shove him away, putting a bit to much power in it sending him straight out of the bed and onto the ground. An agonizing streak pain and guilt fligh through my body when I see him land on his back with a soft cry of pain

"Ugh..." He groans as I rush out of the bed to help him up not being able to look at his painful face as he rubs his surely aching back. Why does it hurt to see him in pain,I just pushed him off the bed nothing more

I'm really..... really starting to hate this mating nonsense

"Sorry" I mutter guiltily sitting on the edge of the bed

"What..." He mutters to himself looking around confused with his hair all over the place before his eyes meet mine widening in realization "hey..." He greets smiling cheekily at me like I didn't just push him off "it's m-morning?...." He questions looking outside the window in disbelief "I slept...."

"Huh?" I question as his face contort into disbelief and confusion as he stares out the window "what are y-"

"My back hurts" he groans suddenly cutting me off as he arch his back

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