Chapter 4

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Fourth pov

(Still wait for Gemini pov😂)

"Have you eaten?" Mali, Gemini's mom softly asks as she held my hand in hers. She was sitting beside me and my mate by my other side

"No.." I mutter honestly avoiding their faces. I'm really not liking this amount of attention,every single person in this room's staring at me like I'm some type of treasure

"Rai,Go bring food!" She yells as the said person rushes away "how are your parents son?"

"They are fine"

"I haven't seen them in forever. Rine must be looking like a fat cow by now" she chuckles to herself  "With her small round head"

I smile at her words cause she wasn't lying tho and they most know each other well for her to say that

"How do you feel now that you're an alpha?" Tew, Gemini dad asks pulling my attention from the chuckling woman

"Great.... Not much changed just longed canines" I reply, he laughs with some other people in the room


"So what's the plan?" Mali asks "what are you guys going to do with the packs?"

"We are going to emerge the packs" Gemini says


"I'm going to buy the lands between our packs and make us one" he replies as my eyes widen

Buy them?!

Sure we were planning on emerging the packs but I thought we'll all move here cause here is a lot bigger and we were small but buying the lands

That would worth a fortune

" when?" Mali questions like she didn't hear what I just heard

"This week?" He questions staring at me

"You are going to buy the lands?" I ask instead,he nods like it isn't a big deal "Why can't we just come here?"

"You want your pack members to come here?"

"You sure have lot of money to spend"I say shaking me head in disbelief as he stares at me with furrows brows "the money you will spend on the land we can use it to make more houses in the pack, you have a lot of land space that would occupy us and when it doesn't, we can just expand our land space. We don't need to spend money buying empty lands, even if we did what are we going to use them for. Nothing. Cause I know you already have schools and other essential thin-" I cut myself off noticing the amused look on everyone's face


"We? Our?....." My wolf trails making me realize what I have been saying


"Ermm" I cleared my throat embarrassed by the looks I was receiving I stare down at my hands

"Okay" Gemini says smiling softly "whatever you want"

"I-i... it was just logical" I mutter


"It was!" I defend as he huffs

"Fourth child can we talk?" Mali questions pulling me up with her "I'm not going to eat your mate Gem" she says shaking her head when she noticed Gemini was following behind us

"Oh... We can't be apart"

"I know mates can't be apart. I have one" she scoffs

"No like we need to be in the same space"

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