Strive 88: A Step Back

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Kibishi's POV


We all split up and separated from one another—the snake-like creature his and headed towards me with terrifying speed.

"(Crap! If it comes to this, then!)" I crank up my megaphone to 100%. I'll take some damage, but-!



I get snatched, thanks to my orange-haired friend with a frightened look. I saw her carrying me behind her back. Tao was leaping from tree to tree, not looking back at the monster.

Speaking of, I saw smoke from the broken down trees which the monster crash landed upon.

I saw Kuma and Jir leaping on the trees as well.

"Get any ideas?! Anything could be good right now! I'm not kidding!" Jir shouted.

"It finds out our hiding spot too quickly! How did it know that we were behind the bushes?!" Tao wanders. "Wait, Jir! Your eyes are glowing! Are you okay?!" Kuma asks in a panic.

"I'm fine...sort of!" Jir replied.

"Hmm..." I think to myself. Why is it glowing? Jir might be panicking, but she's not stressing TOO much. Her heart is still stable.  So, what is causing her eyes to glow?


"Her eyes..." I slowly widen my eyes.

"Her eyes...oh! Jir, your eyes! It started to glow the minute the monster was near us!" Tao explains. 

"I see. So then-" Jir widens her eyes and then turns serious. "It's heading towards us with full speed! Split into groups!". Tao looked back and saw a jaw heading towards her way. She summons her blade and deflects the bite attack from the monster. 


Tao slashes the back, and it does damage the monster. But the wound will heal as soon as it leaves a mark. At the very least, we knock it back so that it won't be able to catch us as fast. Tao and I roll on the floor and run more profoundly in the forest. Tao leads while holding my hand tightly. She's not letting me go. She will never let me go. Tao knows herself well enough not to do anything too dangerous when my life is on the line. She's thinking that, at the very least, despite me being in danger, Tao can defend both of us at the same time. 

Tao looked to her left and saw Kuma with Jir running alongside her. We all looked behind and saw the monster gaining on us. 

I'm not sure how we're slipping away from the monster, but I believe it's because of these supercodes from Mark. The data from our previous fight with the first-layer monster was useful and made our body go beyond our limits. Despite not losing the monster entirely, this is way better than our first encounter with one of them. We don't have to outrun it, not now, at least. All we need to do is find a way to lose sight of its eyes. If we can somehow find a way to figure out how it's finding us, then-!

Wait a minute...?!

Could it be that simple?!

"Kishi, don't let go of me!" Tao says while making me hold on to her waist. I quickly blushed and then nodded. She then smiles. "Hold on tight, okay? Feel free to grip me with all our might if you slip off."   

"I don't want to make you suffocate, though!" I panic.

"Don't worry. Nothing you'll do will make me suffer. Your presence is more than enough to be brave. Here." Tao made me hold even tighter. "There. Please, don't let go of me, okay?" 

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