Strive 106: So, You Have Chosen Force....

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Kibishi's POV

Meeting Room...

"Alright, it seems like everyone is here." The Founder says while standing up with his arms behind his back.

"Uh, not really. Where's Mato?" Ashely asks.

"He said he'll be with us after a few minutes of thinking. Something about making a theory or something." Jir explains with a nervous smile.

"Well, it's about that time, so why don't we start without him?" Mark says with a curious expression. "No, that's not a good idea. To be honest, Mato is the one who starts the meeting. The Founder, on the other hand, is just there to look important and such." Kibun bluntly says without a care in the world.

"H-hey man, that's a bit mean, don't you think?" Mark says with a frown on his face.

"I'm just being honest. He always sends Akuma out by herself way before we find the other three supernaturals. I ain't going to "forget" it for the rest of my life. " Kibun says while having this anger inside of him.

"In all fairness, if I had a choice, I would've sent the adults. But since Akuma is a supernatural and most of our men got slaughtered way before she arrived ever since the monster decided to come out, we don't have much choice. We're trying to survive out here, and she's the only one who can gather food and stuff outside these walls. I'm willing to take risks for humanity themselves." The Founder explains.

"Then you go out there and try to gather food and water. It's for humanity, right? Go fucking out there and do shit then, "leader."" Kibun boldly says while staring daggers at The Founder.

"C-calm down, old man. I'm fine, okay? I don't personally mind if it'll find Yosei." Kuma says with a nervous smile. "Fuck that noise. I lost a daughter during all of this. And frankly, we lost many others for the sake of "humanity." Why can't they just defend themselves?" Kibun asks.

"Stop being unreasonable, old man! You know damn well why! We're the only ones who can fight off there's son of the bitches and live. Why else would they send out teenagers in the first place?" Kuma explains while starting to become angry.

"..." Kibun became silent.

"U-uh, calm down, Kuma. I'm sure that Kibun has his reasons, okay?" I tried to back up Kibun since he was only saying all of that for the sake of Kuma's safety.

"Yeah, let's not say something that you may regret, Kum." Jir joins in.

"Indeed. After all, he is your father, and I'm sure he's just worried about you..." Tao says while frowning.

"Ah! R-right. I'm sorry... Dad." Kuma says while blushing from embarrassment.

"...No, it's my fault. I shouldn't be mouthing off to The Founder in the first place. At least, when it comes to you guys." Kibun then looks at the founder angrily. "But I won't forgive you if I hear that Akuma and the others got hurt or, even worse, died. I'll quit if that ever happens, you hear? And I'm taking all of the tech I created with me."

"Fair enough. But Kibun, I wouldn't be doing this if we had a choice. I'm assuming that you're only saying all of this for Akuma's sake. I'm sorry for not being able to find Yosei that day. There was nothing I could do at that time. It would've killed all of us if the other supernaturals didn't help. Don't you think you're being a bit unfair by saying that I could've done something, knowing fully well that I would've died during the process?" The Founder said.

"I mean- YOU'RE the one who says we're doing it for humanity's sake. Why the cold feet now?" Kibun asks coldly.

"Point. Actually, I'll take that offer, Kibun. Thanks!" The Founder says while taking out a piece of paper, "And again, I'm so sorry for not being able to protect Yosei. I honestly don't want these kids to fight alone anymore. I may sound a bit rude to others, but what I'm doing will benefit us in the near future. Look,"

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