Strive 101: I Don't Know...

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 Kibishi's POV

The Meeting Room...

"Hmm..." Mato looks around the room and scratches his head. "Strange. The Founder isn't here yet..."

"..." Kibun sweats and places his hand under his chin. "Strange, indeed. He told me last night that he would go to bed after doing some research, but after that, he was gone..."

"What the heck?" Ashely sweats. "That's so strange. He normally tells us when he steps out of the office.". "You think he may be shopping or something?" Mark asks. "No, the citizens say they didn't see him this morning," Mato explains.

"..." I sweat.

"Where did he go?" Tao wonders.

"I want to know that, too," Jir says with her now-healed bone. Kuma places her right hand under her chin. "The Founder is a logical man. So maybe he's trying to find an answer through the source. Which means..."

"Don't tell me!" Jir stands up. "He went to the tunnels by himself?!"

"That can't be. We all have an alarm whenever a normal human tries to walk out of the gate without permission.'re The Founder himself." Kibun facepalms himself. "Hold on, now. You guys are jumping to conclusions." Mato says while looking calm. "How can you be so calm, Mato?! The Founder is missing!" Ashely shouted.

"Calm down, everyone. Let's take a deep breath and think rationally about this." Mato places his right hand to cover his mouth. "The Founder is a smart man, remember. He wouldn't just walk out of here without any reason behind it. Instead of using the entrance and leave, he most likely is someplace that none of us knows about. Actually," 

Mato swiped the air and made a projection appear. He then tapped the table and made see-through keyboards appear from inside. "The Founder always keeps his tracker on. So, that means that I can use that to pinpoint his location. And...." Mato uses a mouse to tap on the beeping dot, revealing it behind the building. "See? He's in the safe zone. He's not in the tunnels like you guys thought."

"But that place is forbidden to trespass, remember? Because of- the you know what event." Kibun said.

"*Sighs* Maybe he has a reason behind it. Let's not jump the guns. Here, let me call him." Mato says while calling him on the projection.




"Hello?" The Founder answered the call.

"Good morning, Founder. So we were wondering-"

"Why I haven't returned since last night. Don't worry; I'm in the location that you're tracking at this moment. I'm investigating something that popped up last night. It's about the origin of the monsters. I figured what better way than the middle tunnel that started it all." The Founder responded quickly to Mato before he finished the sentence.

"Ah, well, that's fine, I suppose.  But still, that tunnel is unpredictable, unlike the other tunnels which we know have creatures so-"

"I already got a few professionals that specialize in comeback. And yes, they're well-trained. I have been looking for ex-soldiers that's been well-trained. Jake and the others are soldiers with excellent skills. The only thing is, we don't have the proper needs to enhance their skill. Our tech seems advanced, but it drains much power as we speak. The phones we give out die faster than a normal one. The electricity drains so quickly that you must rely on backup breakdown generators. Even your computer is draining our power source, Mato." The Founder explained.

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