Strive 100: Wake The F*** Up!

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Kibishi's POV

"*Yawn*" I stretch my arms up and yawn a bit. I slowly open my eyes and rub them. I'm not sure why, but I never felt better sleeping before. Was it because Tao was with me after all of this time? Or was it something else? Who knows...

I scratched the left side of my face and tried to gather my surroundings. 

"Oh yeah, I'm in Kuma's room after last night's mission..." I whisper while scratching my red hair.

" head..." I heard someone groan in pain. I looked over and saw Jir waking up with her green hair messed up. She rubs her neck while rocking her head back and forth. "Mm...sleepy..."

"Good morning, Jir!" I say while raising my left hand to greet Jir. Jir sleepily looks at me and brushes me off. "No...sleeping time...night..." she says while lying on Kuma's bed. "Ahaha...ha..." I laugh softly. I looked to my right and saw Tao sleeping next to me. Huh. Her clothes are loosened up again...

"Does Tao always loosen up her clothes to be comfortable?"  I wondered.

"You should've seen her last night. She wanted to sleep naked next to you. But we know you'll freak out due to her nude body or something...Zzz..." Jir sounds fast asleep after explaining the reasoning to Tao's loose clothes. 

"A-ah...I see..." I blush.

"Mm..." I heard my orange-haired friend groan, then hold on to my body. "Hehe, I can see that Tao is a bit clingier than ever before as well..."

"Not surprising..." Jir commented.

"Fair enough." I nodded.


"Good morning everyone! How did you all sleep?!" Kuma says with a pink apron with her PJs. She was also carrying four plates of pancakes with some orange juice! Oh, that looks good!

Oh boy, Kuma can cook!

"*Yawn* Good morning..." My sleepy orange-haired friend says while sitting up. Tao rubbed her eyes and then tried to process her surroundings. Kuma giggles and then places two plates right next to me and Tao while bending her knees with a gentle smile. "Good morning, sleeping beauty! I see that your prince charming woke you up from your everlasting slumber! ~ I mean, you were hugging Kibi tightly as if someone would take him away from you, Tao!~ "

Tao blushes shyly. "S-so what if I did? It's been a while since I slept with him, okay...?" she says softly.

...Huh. I guess Kuma's teasing isn't affecting her as much as before...

It must be because what she said was true, and she doesn't feel bad about it. Huh. The more you know. Kuma giggles once more and puts two forks on our plates. "Yeah, yeah. I just find you cuddling up with each other so cute, hehe!~" 

"*Blush* It's not like it's any new..." I softly spoke.

"Hehe!~ I know, I know. I just thought that I should mention it, is all. Anyway, you two eat up while I wake up; miss Cetus over there! Hey Jir!" Kuma stands up and walks towards the sleeping Jir. Jir rolled over to show her back and spoke, "Kujira isn't here right now. Leave a message after the beep. Beep..."

Kuma stands next to Jir and places her hands on her hips. She made a pouty face. "C'mon, Jir! Get your lazy ass out of my bed! Jir!" 

"Beep..." Jir made that beeping sound again.

"Geez, man. Nothing, huh?" Kuma sighs while scratching her temple. Kuma slowly removes the apron. "Well then, you leave me with no choice...". Kuma slowly sat on her knees and then folded the apron neatly. She then placed it on the side and stood back up. She slowly stretched her left arm. "Okay then, have it your way." then her right. "Don't say I didn't warn you." 

Kuma then stretched upwards and sighed deeply. She shakes her hands and then cracks her knuckles. Wait, what is she doing anyway?

Kuma slowly places her palms under her bed- Uh oh.

"Kuma..." Kuma began saying with her eyes closed. 



"'WAKE THE FUCK UP' TTTOOOOSSSSS!!!!!!" Kuma shouted while throwing her bed alongside Jir, who was on it at the wall. The wall cracks the minute it made contact with Jir and the bed.

"Ahhh!!!" Jir screams from the now crashed wall and bed.

"Whoa!" I panic and run towards Jir's side. Kuma folded her arms while buffing some steam from her nose. I quickly grab the bed and call out to Jir. "Jir? Jir! Are you okay?! Speak to me!" I say with sweat running down my face. Tao quickly joins in, wide awake now that she sees what happened to Jir. "Kishi! Quickly, let's pull the bed down before Jir can't breathe from the lack of oxygen! I'll get this side; you get yours!" Tao says while running towards the other side of the bed. We both grip it. "Ready, Tao?!" I asked. "Yeah!" Tao nodded. "One...Two....THREE!!!! PULL!!!"  I shouted.

We both started to pull down the bed with all of our might. Soon, the bed slowly but suddenly slams the floor hard.


"Jir- huh?" Tao and I say in a union. We both then realized that Jir wasn't on the bed. We both looked at the wall and saw the stuck Jir with an annoyed expression and a few bleeding marks all over her now tear-up clothes. 

"Oh good, you're awake, Jir! Come on, I made you breakfast!" Kuma casually says while holding up a plate of pancakes.

"*Sarcastic* Oh boy, wonderful. I'm sure eating your pancakes will heal my broken bones faster than my normal regeneration. Let's not forget the fact that you slammed me into a titanium wall, which could've killed me in one swoop. But yay! Breakfast is ready..." Jir says sarcastically.

"Wonderful! I'm glad that you understand!" Kuma smirks.

"..." Jir form two fist. "...Alright, where's my staff? I'm turning her into a friggin' pig right now!" 

"C-calm down, Jir," I say while holding on to Jir's body, slowly helping her down alongside Tao's support. We pull her out of the wall, and we all fall on the floor. Jir held her right shoulder and stared daggers at Kuma. "I'm going to get you back for this, Kum." 

"Haha! I would like to see you try! You forget that I'm ten times stronger than all of you combined! Plus," Kuma spines a knife and cuts her neck clean. It bleeds a bit, but it heals quickly. "I'm the demon supernatural, honey!~ There's nothing besides the monsters that can truly harm. I have also been training as fuck, so my healing powers are faster than yours when it comes down to it! Soooo with that being said, *Snap her fingers* good luck with that, Hehe! Love you!~"

"Tch! She got me...damn it!" Jir closes her eyes with an angry right fist.

Tao and I look at each other.


I know we're supernaturals with crazy regeneration, but golly, that was a bit much, don't you think? 

"Anyway, let's put you down on the floor, and you can heal yourself, Jir," I say with some worry. "I think I need Mato, Kib. Kum broke most of my bones..." Jir explains with a tired expression. "What?! T-Tao, get Mato right now! I'll lay Jir down on my bed so that she can rest! Also, make him bring first aid, stat!"

"Y-yes! Be right back!" Tao nodded and then ran out at full speed.

"..." Kuma laughs nervously and scratches the left side of her face. "M-maybe I use up a bit of my true strength. Ahaha...ugh..."

To Be Continued...

I'll see you later!

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