Strive 96: Taking A Breath

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Akuma's POV

"Is she... still alive?" Tao asks.

"I...I don't know. She was cured but Yosei's body wasn't stable enough to get used to the meds. They will react differently in a different area than this one. If Yosei panics during the attack then her body will give in and kill her. It's a coin flip, guys. It's either the one or the other. There's no in-between when comes to the situation Yosei was in. Anyway, after that long month of silence, we all made up and became a family again. We go to the grave of Kibun the second and pray. Not long after the prayer we felt the whole ground shake." I said.

"The whole ground?!" Kibi says with a shocked expression.

"Yes. That's when the devil's body part started to kill many people. From the arms to the legs, those four body parts were more than enough to kill half of the population during the time. So the supernaturals were tasked to take it down before it killed every single human being. We managed to stop it in time but some of the supernaturals were snatched by the wounded right hand including Yosei. They couldn't get far due to it making the second layer shake like crazy." I explained.

"So what you're saying is that they might be in there," Jir asks with a straight face.

"Exactly." I nod.

"No wonder you wanted to be thorough.  You want to save them before it's too late...." Kibi says in a sad tone.

"I see." Tao frowns and closes her eyes "If that's the case then we have to be more critical with the exploring of the second layer. We may need to upgrade our gear while we're at it. Going back there with the same old equipment may mean death for all of us here."

"I was just thinking that. I also think that we should use our abilities to make things easier up there." Jir explains with a small smile.

"Good point. We may need to do that more often." I replied.

"Right," Kibi nodded with a bright smile.

"By the way, how are you guys feeling, Kibi and Tao? It's been a while since you two under the same roof when it comes to sleeping, right?" I ask.

"Oh. Well, I was going to ask if you're okay, Kuma. After all, you were upset tonight and had to struggle with your inner battle with your thoughts." Kibi says with concern written on his face.

"I'm okay now that I tell you guys everything you need to know. Besides, seeing you two together in the same room makes me happy!" I grin after saying that.

"It does?" Tao asks curiously.

"Yup! And that's not me teasing you guys either. I generally like seeing you two together like this. It's a nice and warm feeling to have, you know? You two are prime examples of people who care about each other. And I can see that your feelings are real. I love that part of both of you." I say honestly.

"Me, too!" Jir says while nodding in agreement.

"O-oh, well, thank you..." Kibi says while blushing from embarrassment. Hehe, so cute!

"Y-yeah..." Tao nodded in agreement while blushing cutely as well. 

Heh. These two are so precious! It's no wonder I fell in love with their relationship in the first place! It's innocent and pure! It's like a cute puppy trying to figure out what to do with their mother! Kibi and Tao have a special relationship that no one will have unless they're isolated for 17 years. As cold as it sounds, even with the struggles, they always put each other first than themselves. I find that very cute and sweet!

"Which reminds me of that one time Jir got jealous when Yosei was close to me during our break after training!" I say while raising my left index finger "You guys should've seen her buffy face when Yosei and I took a bath together when we were small!" 

"H-huh?! H-hey, wait a minute, Kum! D-don't tell them something so embarrassing!" Jir says while blushing. 

"Jir was so attached to me the moment we met! It's probably because I saved her from those hungry creatures who were ten times bigger than her at the time!" I grin and wave the air "And oh boy, ain't Jir clingy! She never let me go for anything! There's that other time when she tried to wear a training bra and-"

"H-HEY! DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT IN FRONT OF KIB, YOU JERK!" Jir says while picking up one of my pillows and slamming the back of my head with it.


"OW!" I say.

"Hmph!" Jir folded her arms and looked away.

"What's the big idea, Jir?! Lighting up a little, will ya'?!" I say while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Would you like it if I told a guy about your undergarments?!" Jir says while looking at me straight in the eye. "O-oh, well, I wouldn't care normally but I can see your point. If it's someone you know then yeah, I probably would." I say while scratching the side of my face. "B-but Kibi is human like us so talking about it isn't THAT bad, right...?"

"NO!" Jir shouted which made me flinch and lean backward in front. 

"S-sorry...!" I say in fright.

"*Sighs*, for goodness sake..." Jir sighs in relief and closes her eyes.

"A-anyway," I give a small smile "After some time together, we also get close as well. Jir, I mean. Ever since then, we have become best friends and even sisters. She's like a little sister to me now who stops me from being reckless from time to time!"

"If I didn't do that then you would've died a long time ago...." Jir replied with her eyes open with concern. 

"Oh come on, I would've been fine! You're such a worrywart sometimes, Jir!" I say in a joking way.

"Hehe!" Tao giggles.

"Haha! You guys are close if Jir tries to save you from your actions, Kuma! Reminds me of the past when I did reckless things whenever it came to Tao! I think I would still do those things if any of you guys were in trouble!" Kibi says with a bright smile.

"But you don't have to, Kishi! You just need to control our wild states, that's all! Don't overwork yourself!" Tao says with fright in her voice. "Ah, you worry too much, Tao. I'll be careful when I do it. Promise." Kibi says with a small frown.

"But still! You don't need to put yourself in danger when the three of us can fight for you!" Tao says in a scared tone.

"C-calm down, Tao. I know that, okay? Please, don't stress yourself..." Kibi says while resting his left hand on Tao's. "O-okay...sorry..." Tao says shyly.  "Don't be. I shouldn't have brought it up if it makes you feel uncomfortable, Tao. Forgive me." Kibi says in a sad tone. "Don't apologize, Kishi! I won't let cause friction between us! Best friends forever, remember?" Tao says while holding onto Kibi's left hand with hers. "Right!" Kibi nodded.

"Hehe, holding hands again, you two?~" Jir tease.

"Ah!" Kibi and Toa blush and let go of each other then look away afterwards.

"Hehe!~ This will never get old!~ Alright gang, let's set up our bed and get some sleep!" I said.

"Right," the three of them agree with me.

To Be Continued...

I'll see you all later. Bye!

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