I'm Ready

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David gave me this pass thing. I look at the tag, seeing big letters spelling, 'Vidcon.' "Wait what? Is this real?" I say just shocked. Am I actually going to meet Rhett and Link? The pass even says 'MythCore's Vlogs' on it, to promote my channel!

"This is real honey! First thing in the morning, we are heading to the-"

... Everything I was hearing was all muffled out of my head. It seemed to be like if you were underwater and people were talking above. I can't believe I will meet my heroes! I'm also going to meet one of my closest internet friend Alexis. " -Rhett and Link during their podcast."

My dad finished talking. All I could think of was to have a group hug. Still looking down at the lanyard, I slowly put it around my neck, looking at the pass. I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to be meeting my heroes along with my internet friend. This is going to be amazing.

"David and Lindsay. Do you guys want to head with your parents at the hotel?" My mom chimed in. "Sure, I'll call my mom." Lindsay says taking out her phone. She walks away jut to talk with her mom. I see David texting maybe his dad.

"Okay my mom will be here in like 5 minutes. She said she was around the corner." Lindsay comes back to our group. "My dad said he'll take a bit longer. The traffic here is hectic."

Their parents come and take Lindsay and David. It's just me, my parents and my grandparents.

"So are you ready for tomorrow?" My dad said approaching me from behind. He reassures me with his hand on my shoulder. "I'm ready." I say looking up to him.

I just trying to take everything in. I'm going to Vidcon. I'm going to meet Alexis and Rhett and Link the same time. Skype calls every night talking to her. Staying up till 3 in the morning talking. She lives in Hawaii and I live in Utah. I'm going to meet after 2 years of talking over the internet.
Aloha everyone! Yes this is a short chapter but I had to update for y'all! So I hope you enjoy it and can't wait for the next chapter! Plus I'm making a one shot book and I hope you are excited for that! Anyways I hope for a chapter sooner or later❤️

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