Hey Link

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I check the time and it's about five minutes passed eleven. I was hoping Cori would be here by now.

We have about ten more minutes till we record the episode and I decided to just check if she's outside or just to see if she's at the tables in the front.

I make my way there and I didn't see anyone at the tables except Candace sitting down for her lunch. "Hey Candace. Have you seen anybody walk pass here?" I point out to the window. "Not that I recall. I just got to sit down so I'm not sure." She says as she takes a bite out of her sandwich.

I tap my heel to the ground, very worried. I just decided to physically check outside.

I check my left, nothing. I check my right. I see a lady. She has brown hair up in a bun I think. I couldn't tell from the distance, but I'm not sure if it's Cori. She seems to be lost from the looks of it. It actually felt nice to be outside from being inside for so long.

I let go of the door and I let it close. I hear some busy roads in from of me, then I heard a click. My eyes widened. I didn't have a set of keys on me. I didn't just flip out in the middle of the sidewalk.

I calm myself down and a turn myself around back to the door. I check if the door was unlocked. It could of been something else though. I grab the handle and I try to open the door.

Yeah, I was right. It's locked. I look through the door to see if Candace was still at the tables. I see her getting up from her seat. I try to get her attention by waving my hands spastically and knocking onto the glass.

Still not getting her attention until she turned around. She jogged up to the door and opened the door. As I hold the door for me I feel a grasp on my forearm.

"Hi Link!" I look back cautiously. I see a lady, has her dark brown hair in a bun. She has a red flannel wrapped around her waist. This lady have gorgeous, hazel eyes. They look more green now. "It's Cori."

"Oh hey Cori! You want a quick tour of the studio before we start the episode?" I ask curious. "Sure!" She says excited.

hey guys!!! just a sloppy chapter for you guys. ugh I needed to post for you guys bc I sort of felt bad for not updating quick enough 😅
anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. if you did, that's a shock. Later💞

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