You're Going...

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"We are heading to California to say hi to grandmom and grandpop!" My dad says finally. At first we were going to Vidcon since I was begging them for tickets but I'm still excited I meet my grandparents. I haven't seen them in like three years! I'm just glad they're still alive! "AWESOME!! I'm soo excited to meet them again!!" I give him a huge squeeze and scream like a 5 year old getting what he gets for Christmas! I finally calm myself down and I ask him one more question. "When are we going?"

"Check the tickets. Normally they'd have it on there." He says gesturing to the tickets. I take a look at the tickets. I couldn't find it at first but I found it. It said that the flight is June 20th. "Really!? That's like in a week!" It's the 13th and I give the tickets back to him so he can keep them safe. "I'll be heading back upstairs." I say leaving the family room. "Hey. Don't get too excited and pack. We're leaving in a weeks." My dad says. I am one of those people that has fun packing. I just really like plan what I'm going to wear I guess. "I know."

I head back upstairs to download more songs.

I've finished the songs I've downloaded onto my iPad. I heard my phone ring and I saw the name Lindsay. She's one of my closest friends and she is just the most awesome friend you could have.

"Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?" I say being ludicrous.
"Purple. Guess what!?" She says
"That you're going to New York?"
"No, I wish, but I'm going to Cali for Vidcon!!"
"That awesome! I'm also going to California, but I'm visiting relatives." I say. "Oh, maybe I can ask my mom if you can come with me?" "No. It's not going to work. You know my parents are weird with conventions!" I say frustrated. "Oh... yea... well, maybe we can meet up at a pier or something." She suggested. "Yea maybe we can! Maybe if possible we can see Shay and their kids in the airport!" I say with a chuckle.

It's a 50/50 chance if we actually meet the Shaytards. Lindsay and I live in Utah. An hour from Salt Lake City and now thinking of that, it's probably not going to happen because I don't know when they'll be at the airport.

"Well I'll let you do you now. Thanks for the update by the way!" "No problem! By the way, I finally made a fanpage! Do you mind if you can give me a shoutout?" I can tell she was begging. She's just a dog when there's food in the room. "Yea I will!"

She told me her user and we hung up. I went onto Instagram to search her name, screenshot her account, and gave her the shoutout. While I was looking through her account, she has pretty good edits! I've reload her account multiple times and she's gaining followers progressively. At the start of the shoutout, Lindsay had 3 followers. Now she has over 200 followers! I hope she's happy. I honestly don't like to give people shoutouts but since she's my friend, my real life friend.

In the meantime, I decided to make a video edit with a new song.

Holla! How's it going? Good, cool!

Well I hoped you liked this small chapter! Any predictions to make!? 😏

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