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Kirito looks around and spots someone on a roof. "Keep an eye on him." He tells the females before jumping out the window. Still in shock, Reina slid to the floor and looked at the floor dazed. "No wait!" Asuna shouts, but it is too late as Kirito is already chasing the person. "She was right there." Reina mumbles. "Huh?" Asuna looks at the girl. "She was right there, yet I still couldn't save her." Reina says looking up at Asuna. "Hey, it's not your fault. You were shocked by what happened." Asuna reasons, grabbing her shoulders. Reina nods hugging Asuna, they break apart once a bell rings and Asuna helps Reina stand. The sound of the door opening causes Asuna to draw her rapier. "You idiot! What's your problem?" Asuna asks when she sees Kirito and puts her rapier back in its sheathe. "What happened?" Reina asks. "I lost him. He teleported off somewhere." Kirito shares, closing the door behind him. 

"The system's supposed to protect players inside the inns. I thought if anywhere she'd be safe in here. Dammit." He says punching the wall and an 'Immortal Object' sign pops up. "That robe was Griselda's." Schmidt speaks up. "That was Griselda's ghost. She's come back to get revenge on us. Think about it, only a ghost can PK someone in a safe zone." Schmidt says laughing in fear. "That wasn't a ghost. Someone's using the system to kill. That's the only way these murders could've happened in a safe zone. I know it." Kirito says. 


That night the trio sat on a bench in a park in silence. "I don't know what to think. Was that black-robed figure Griselda's ghost?" Asuna asks, leaning back. "After seeing two people die mysteriously I'm starting to think it's possible." She adds. "Honestly, of all the things we've suggested the killer being a ghost is ridiculous." Reina sighs. "Reina's right. Also, why would a ghost need a teleport crystal?" Kirito asks. "A teleport crystal." He repeats. "What is it?" Asuna asks. "Nah, it's nothing." Kirito dismisses, and they fall back into a comfortable silence trying to find a solution. Reina, feeling tired and hungry opens her inventory and pulls out three sandwiches handing one to Asuna. "Here you go." She stretches the other one out to Kirito. "Thank you." Kirito says taking it from her. "Better hurry up. Its durability's almost up." Reina tells him taking a bite from hers. Kirito takes a bite and pauses causing both girls to look at him. "Delicious." He says taking another bite and Asuna follows suit, humming in delight. 

"When the heck did you find time to pick this up?" Kirito asks. "Hmm? What do you mean? I made them." Reina tells him. "I haven't had your food in so long I forgot how good it tasted." Kirito tells her. "You should try Asuna's cooking it's just as good." Reina shares nudging the Second in Command. "It's not." Asuna denies blushing from embarrassment. "Don't mind her she's just embarrassed." Reina teases, bumping shoulders with Kirito causing his sandwich to fall and burst into polygons. "Ah, I'm sorry." The black-haired female apologizes watching Kirito fall to his hands and knees. "Are you crying?" Asuna asks. "Shh!" Kirito hushes her. "No way!" He suddenly says shocking both girls. "That's right! That's it!" He shouts. "What's it?" Asuna asks. "Did you figure something out?" Reina asks. "I... No wait, we never saw a thing. We just thought we did, but we were seeing something else!" Kirito shares. "Hmm?" Reina hums still confused. "I was right. The game doesn't allow killing inside a safe zone. There's no weapon or system exploit." Kirito points out. 


Floor 19: Cross Hill

Schmidt visits Griselda's grave. "Griselda, the only way I can be saved now is if you forgive me." He says, falling to his knees. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Griselda!" He pleads. "I swear, I never thought this was going to happen! You have to believe me!" It's silent for a while and a bead of sweat runs down Schmidt's forehead. "Oh really?" An echoey voice repeats. Schmidt looks behind him in a panic only to be met with a bunny that hops away. He lets out a sigh, looking in front of him again only this time a cloaked figure stood before him, scaring him. "What did you do to me? Tell me Schmidt." The figure says. "Tell me what you did. Tell me now." She persists pulling out a sword from inside her cloak. "Okay! Okay! The day we voted to sell the ring. I-I looked at my belt pouch and there was a crystal and a note with instructions." Schmidt shares, shaking in fear. "Who were they from? Who gave you them?" Another voice asks. Schmidt looks up and sees another cloaked figure joining the female. "Grimlock. You're dead too?" Schmidt asks. 

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